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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 10, 2024

Cull Mode feature request

When using the keyboard to go through the culling process, I position my right fingers on the arrows. My left hand then free to rate or delete images. As the delete key is above the arrow keys, it is very uncomfortable to have both hands positioned in such a way. As a work around, I have been rating all images with one star instead of using the delete key. I think you should implement a system similar to what Lightroom did long ago, that being, use the x key as a reject tag, but the actual deletion takes place after the fact. Once we are done culling, we can filter by rejects, and then delete them. Using the x key would be perfect for this in terms of finger positioning for large numbers of images. One of the issues I am having with the one star workaround, which is essentially the same thing, is that the escape key on my MacBook Pro touch bars right above the 1 key. Inevitably, as my finger is floating over there and pressing the 1 key, I will occasionally hit the esc key and exit cull mode. This is inconvenient .


  • Guest
    Feb 12, 2024

    this is a feature request topic, please post the issue part of the message here: Capture One Pro (16.x)

    "In cull mode, which is great by the way, I am seeing some issues that are likely due to the newness of the cull mode.  The specific issue is the lag time or lack of responsiveness while moving from image to image.  When I click delete or the right arrow to the next image, it is not instantly responsive, but has a little lag.  This is rather inconvenient and makes for sluggish movement from image to image.

    The second issue in cull mode is that there is no way to maximize with full screen as we can with Capture One's normal interface.  Additionally, I cannot resize the interface panels to a smaller size or eliminate one of the panels to allow for larger previews.  for example, I do not need to see the left panel at all times.  if I were able to turn off and on panels, or move the panels freely, I would be able to maximize screen area, particularly useful when editing on a laptop.

    The third issue is that my computer's fan runs at full speed while using cull mode for some reason.  It turns back to a normal operation immediately upon exiting cull mode.  Is this by design, or is this a bug? MacBook Pro 15 inch 2018 2,9 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i9"