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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 24, 2023

Use Cull Mode after Edits have been applied.

Currently a user can go into Cull Mode upon import as well as jump back to it from Edit mode - but without seeing the changes made/edits applied.

Please make it possible to view edited images in the cull mode, so that I can visually cull better. This gives Capture One a competitive advantage over specific culling software, as it is obviously not possible to do there.

  • Mathew Gilbuena
    Sep 6, 2024

    Agree 100%.

    I sometimes shoot with picture controls on my Nikon body to shoot black & white. This results in the embedded thumbnail displaying B&W photos, despite the RAW being in color. I sometimes change my mind in post, and choose the color photo. However, all photos in the culling interface remain B&W due to using the built-in thumbnails.

  • Ivar Hütt
    Feb 12, 2024

    I'd like to see this implemented (don't know how this affects performance). I'm new to Capture One, maybe there is a better way to do what I'm trying to do. So I have 1000 photos from a night at rock club. There is lots of action on stage, multiple bands and of course flashing strobes, different colored lights, stage being pitch black with only faces visible or covered with eerie colored spotlights. So I import all the images to Capture One Catalog and the first action is to convert them all to black and white, pull up the shadows, reduce noise and sharpen a bit and then start culling. This makes all the images easier to compare and select, and the colors don't get into the way. My intention is to publish them BW, so I have no need for color. 

  • Guest
    May 25, 2023

    Hey Jakob Resch.

    Your post has been hidden for moderation. Please read the pinned post and use the template provided.

    You can edit your post by clicking the "gear" icon on your post and then selecting "edit".

    I understand that rules and guidelines are annoying, but it has to be this way in order to make the requests and feedback usable by our Product Management team, and to ensure that you get the response you deserve.

    Thank you for your time and for directly contributing towards the development of Capture One. We greatly appreciate it.

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