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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 22, 2023

Add automatic grouping features to Catalog screen (Not just imprort screen)

Hi Capture One,

When I purchased Capture One '23 I assumed that the group feature would be available all the time, not just limited to the Import window. With my workflow, I don't want to cull images at import, but after I have imported everything. After import is when I will group and delete/edit/merge images in bulk and it's quite frustrating that Capture One has the feature but I can't access it. My request is to extend the Group feature into the normal catalog window. My use case is:

1. Import all files and backup all consecutively, usually from multiple SD cards. I want the import progress through SD cards to be quick, not slowed down by sorting at this stage.

2. In the catalog, sort and arrange, apply initial star rating or delete some. For example, group images in a focus stack or panorama by giving them each set the same colour rating or putting them into a separate folder, whatever is neat and appropriate at the time. I believe the groups feature, if working as I needed, could consistently save many hours sorting through images in this step, it is largely wasted administrative time that could be automated. Other images I might group are sets of similar images where I might choose the best. This feature should be available in the normal catalog, not just during import.

3. Edit & merge files, using groups I have created to simplify and organise the collection, otherwise it can be unmanageable.

4. Re apply 'final' star rating to finish sorting the desired images now they have been edited or combined as required, add keywords to desired images and move entire folder to a storage drive.

Please extend the grouping feature to the catalog. I imagine one use case would be to import all the images, then click 'organise' in the catalog, walk away if needed and return to find all the panoramas and focus stacked, or similar images in groups which I could easily fine tune further if needed. Then click a button which separates each group either by a colour rating or into folders or similar. Please also have a way to adjust settings to easily flush out different types of groups, such as bursts, focus stack, panorama, similar images, etc.

  • Guest
    May 22, 2023

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