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Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 1, 2023

AI Culling

Dear software developers of Capture One,

Every photoshoot I dread the time consuming and dull task of culling hundreds of images manually.

This can be done MUCH faster & better by AI automatically, see: "Aftershoot Culling" & "CullAI".

Both of these show you zoomed-in faces of people on the photo for checking focus on all the eyes with zero clicks!!

The current feature of grouping similar images in Capture One is not (yet) close to what these new AI-powered software can do for automating the culling process.

A secondary key aspect of "Aftershoot Culling" & "CullAI" is that it runs the AI features locally on my computer which is critical for offline use.

Please let me know if you have any plans to release the same capabilities for automated AI culling as "Aftershoot Culling" & "CullAI"in the next release of Capture One.

Kind regards, from a long time user


What problem do you see this solving?

No more manual culling = incredible time saver.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every photoshoot = every time I use Capture One.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

3rd party software: Aftershoot Culling & CullAI.

  • Guest
    Jun 4, 2023

    Face zoom is not AI culling, it's not recommending or assessing sharpness or anything. Its nice to have, but not enough.

    Also it would be great to be able to reposition faces tab to the side, say left side of the image, especially for vertical images

  • Guest
    May 16, 2023

    Implemented Face Focus in Cull & Importer in v23 (16.2.0): Capture One 23 (16.2.0) release notes.

  • +3