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Improve Capture One

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Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Thomas Demmelmaier
Created on Mar 28, 2023

Improved Smart white balance

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?



I was working again today on images that were having problems with the white balance of the Smart Tool.

The thing is that I would like to send pictures that cause problems but since they are customer photos this causes problems.

Now I have come up with a workaround.

The photos or situations that cause problems are those that you find in your offices.

When we photograph weddings we are often in registry offices or in locations where the light is not photo friendly.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

With the help of Caprture One I can handle the light, also the Smart Exposure works very well but the white balance does not (fine tuning currently eats up most of the time).

Now I was thinking that one of your employees, who are photographers themselves, take pictures in the office of the staff (without flash, available light, auto white balance, aperture 2.0 to 4.0, auto iso up to 12800) and the developers use these photos to tune the white balance tool.

Another alternative is that you pay me (I am not very expensive) and I provide models and locations (here I would have to negotiate), and the photos (but I think this will not happen).


  • Guest
    May 16, 2023

    Improved Smart Adjustments consistency in v23 (16.2.0): Capture One 23 (16.2.0) release notes.

  • Thomas Demmelmaier
    Apr 5, 2023

    Basically it works, with the copy, but as you say there are variations. 

    At the moment we have no choice but to wait.

  • Guest
    Apr 5, 2023

    Cto with 3200k. But there are small variations between flash pops even with the sb5000, they are small, but they exist. I have to correct them manually. I was expecting that I would adjust the wb of one image and then apply it to all my images shot in that location, even in the same spot. But they all get about 200-300k to yellow.

  • Thomas Demmelmaier
    Apr 5, 2023


    do you shift the color of your flash, or do you use its "Daylight" color light?

    We use a mired shift to 2700 - 3200 K (from 5600K) and power down the on camera flashes to -3 so ambient light can do its job and the flash is just a fill/acent light.

  • Guest
    Apr 4, 2023

    For me smart wb only works for outdoor images with no flash and clouds. If I a have a flash on camera or off camera all images are going to be to yellow. I would like for it to fix the small variants on wb when using flash in a wedding venue, for example but it does not. Great idea with the learning from user images.

  • Thomas Demmelmaier
    Apr 4, 2023


    i need to add some importat thoughts.

    Today i've finished the 5th wedding using the Smart Adjustments.

    So i processed 3000 with the smart adjust.

    That means also that i already have 3000 processed photos in those sessions, and means too that we can use these images for learning.

    So instead of using a single image as a source you could use much more photos as a source so the A.I. has more material to compare.

    The Smart Exposure does work very good now by the way, the images become a little too bright now but thats easy to correct via quick correction.