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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 14, 2023

Custom Viewer and Browser information

What problem do you see this solving?

What I want is the ability to specify what's most important to me: I want to have the full list of displayable information, and be able to order it by priority, so that when bits need to be left off, the least important (to *me*) bits are left off, and the most important (to *me*) bits are left in place. Things like aperture, focal length, and exposure time are critical. I really couldn't care less about the name of the image, or how many stars I gave it, most of the time. Especially in Viewer; in Browser, I might want to have the stars be visible even if they're not in the Viewer.


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Pretty much every time I use the app to sort through images.

Here's a screen shot of the situation I find myself in so very often. A number of shots, and no way of distinguishing them by technical data, other than to go into the Info pane and view each one individually, which is next to useless. I want to be able to sort and delete items quickly, and I can't do that with the information displayed here. I mean, I *really* do not care what the image is called, and the ISO setting is not the most important piece of information to me.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

To my knowledge, the only 'workaround' is to use the Info pane, as discussed above.

  • Martin Knowles
    Jul 24, 2024

    Here's how I'd love to see it happen:

    • Introduce the idea of a "metadata view" that can show up as a second line in Browser windows, or under/as part of the info line on Viewer windows

    • In Views > Customize Browser/Viewer > add an option for 'Show metadata line'

    • Reuse the interface for "File name tokens" to allow you to show anything there you want; bonus: allow presets! (For instance, sometimes I want ISO/exposure/fstop; sometimes I want Format so I can distinguish between DE+/frame average shots; if I'm on the drone, I want image size there; etc.)

    • Bonus: depending on what you put there, this line might be longer than the browser display has space. In that case, show the first n tokens and show the full thing as a tooltip.

    Reusing the filename tokens dialog for this would basically give everyone the ability to put whatever they want there, as well as use existing code for it as this part of C1 has been mature functionality since at least v6.

    This would also be handy during tethered shooting so if you're doing brackets, you can immediately see what brackets you've captured for whatever you're bracketing for.

  • Walter Rowe
    Oct 31, 2023

    I support this request. Other apps offer more metadata choices to display in viewer and browser labels.

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Aug 10, 2023

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • Guest
    May 3, 2023

    I like this suggestion. I am struggling to get this simple task -

    adding additional information to the image - currently i have to rename each image as a workaround.

  • Guest
    Mar 16, 2023

    Thanks Mike Conley ❤️

  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2023

    Post edited.

  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2023

    Your post has been hidden for moderation. Please read the pinned post and use the template provided.

    You can edit your post by clicking the "gear" icon on your post and then selecting "edit".

    I understand that rules and guidelines are annoying, but it has to be this way in order to make the requests and feedback usable by our Product Management team, and to ensure that you get the response you deserve.

    Thank you for your time and for directly contributing towards the development of Capture One. We greatly appreciate it.

  • Boris Tomsic
    Mar 15, 2023

    Yes, that would be great.
    I personally would like to have the image shooting date/time shown below the Viewer and image icons in the Browser (in a second line)
    Like myself, I'm sure there would be people who want the filename, stars and colour rating, so ideally it should be customisable, allowing the user to choose any metadata fields, with a second or even third line if required.
    If anyone is wondering why some of us want the date & time shown when many cameras generate filenames with the date & time, I name the files with sequential numbering in the order I want to present them which is not necessarily in chronological order. No doubt there will be others who name their files in some other way for various reasons that does not include date/time

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