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Live for Studio

Showing 8

Bluetooth Keyboard Support for Live on IPad

Please allow for Bluetooth keyboard support for this app to be able to toggle and rate images with phisical keys. Live for iPad has answered the prayers of a lot of us in the field looking for additional display solutions on the job, and it’s stab...
John Paul Cunningham 4 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Options for "Follow" button - on/off/always follow capture

Please implement an option for the Follow button to stay on when reviewing previous images instead of auto turning off. Often times a photographer will shoot a series of shots, review on the iPad, and then start shooting again. However, when they ...
FirstName LastName 6 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 2 Awaiting review

Ability to control iPad viewer from main computer

The ipad studio app has been working great, however I use one as a monitor for the photographer and often the client will ask to show the photographer an image. Since I don't have the ability to control the ipad I have to turn a monitor or the pho...
Hunter Johnson 2 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Enable client mode or camera control on iPad

I am always shooting with MBP and an iPad Pro. Thethers dorectly to computer sharing files over network to iPad. Capture Pilot allowed you to choose camera control or just ratings etc for review. We need control to use iPads as client monitors OR ...
Kyle Caldwell 4 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Add Styles in Capture One Live for Studio

Let the Clients add Presets and Styles to their images in CO Live for Studio
Florian Schmitt 2 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Live for Studio FOLLOW SELECTED toggle

FOR ON-SET PHOTO PRODUCTIONS: Add FOLLOW SELECTED toggle to Live for Studio. Currently Live for Studio defaults to FOLLOW CAPTURE. Sometimes photographer or client would like LfS to work like a Client Viewer where they can call out an image for me...
Javier Sanchez 6 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Live for Studio comparison

A comparison view of two or more images in capture one live for studio and the client viewer as an oprion so that things that you see on the drm desktop in capture one on the desktop can be shown to the customer directly on the iPad
Florian Schmitt 3 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Client Viewers in Capture One Live for Studio

Make it possible to show client viewers on capture one live for studio on ipad
Florian Schmitt 4 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review