Currently, when you use "Clone Variant," it adds a confusing space 1 or space 2 after your file name if you export all the variants. For me, I do a lot of custom cropping on a headshot if someone wants a tighter crop or even a full body. I use Clo...
What problem do you see this solving? I need to select multiple folders at the same time, usually so I can see and compare images from each of those folders at the same time, or copy settings from one image to another. I do not want to be making a...
It would improve precision if you could speededit with + or - in stead of using the mouse. E.g. Holding E to activate speededit for Brightness and then clicking + or - to increase or decrease Brightness.
Culling offline images using previews/ speed improvement in culling display
Culling offline images is not possible. We generate large previews for our high res displays so in same manner it s possible to export quickproof jpg, it could be a setting for capture one to allow to use previews to allow offline culling and also...
What problem do you see this solving? Capture One cannot read/edit HDR-DNG-Files generated by Adobe oder DNG-Files that have been enhanced with Adobe's Superresolution functionality. So former and newly generated files from the Adobe Suite cannot ...
expand IA tools like "subject" and "background" to create and copy-paste layers for buildings, trees and sky
AI Brush is a powerful tool, but when I use it on a set of landscape pictures, I would like to be able to automatically select, for example, "buildings" or "trees" or even "sky", and then apply the same treatement to several pictures
Please make "Centre on Eye" in "Focus" tool also centre on bird / animal eyes
I hardly shoot people but I do enjoy shooting birds (and cats). When sorting through images and trying to find the sharpest it would be great if the "Focus" tool would also centre on the eyes of birds and animal.
15/05/23 - moved from feature request archive "It would help to save disk space and improve workflow to be able to open multiple images as separate layers for one file."