What problem do you see this solving? Olympus / OMDS has been offering the option of taking high-resolution shots for some years now. High Resolution Shots Images are created by calculating an overall image from a number of photos created with a p...
Details I would like to be able to undo a star rating say if I am filtering out one-star photos where they are hidden once marked. Then, if I make a mistake I can't undo and set that photo to zero or its previous setting. Another example, if I hit...
Please add a check when deleting a photo that doesn't belong to any collection
What problem do you see this solving? I routinely shoot many variants of the same subject. Most are pruned in post-processing and the keepers stay for some time, and I possibly assign them to different collections. Months later I run another round...
I want to display original shooting date and time on the labels row in viewer. Labels could be further customised, other options could be Camera, Lens, Exposure compensation, Flash mode
Crop Tool: Allow for setting default crop size and position on photo when opening.
Details What problem do you see this solving? I shoot many photos of birds and butterflies. Often the subject is very small and in the center of the frame. If I am already zoomed in to see if the bird image is a "keeper", I have to zoom back out t...
What problem do you see this solving? (De)activating multiple layers in one go is a hassle. So is deleting multiple layers. Being able to take care of multiple layers in one go would speed things up and save many clicks. As an example, I could see...
What problem do you see this solving? I’d love to see a dedicated tool for brush settings that can be pinned in the tool bar. Right now the only way to see my opacity and flow is clicking into the menu - the brush settings under the layers tool, o...
Request for Sony Creative Looks support (Sony A7RV)
What problem do you see this solving? I would like to ask for the support of Sony's Creative Look in Capture One. It can be applied on LR, but not in C1. It is similar to the Film Simulation of Fujifilm Cameras. When was the last time you were aff...
C1 Live: allow editing IPTC Metadata from a live session
What problem do you see this solving? Another person should be able to edit my IPTC-description via C1 Live. When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? Last week I took photos in a garden. The text au...