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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


Feature requests

Showing 1411

Session favorite features that digitechs really need!!!

There is no way to sort favorite folders. If I messed up with sorting, then I have to drag them one by one. Besides, no options to sort them based on name, date, time, and more. Deleting favorite folders is painful. It only delets one at a time ca...
Benjamin Kim 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Enable "Delete Images After Copy" Permanently & Disable Automatic JPG Thumbnails for Videos

Persistent "Delete Images After Copy" Option Currently, this option resets to inactive by default, requiring manual activation on every import. In fast-paced environments like ours, this additional step slows down the workflow. We request an optio...
FirstName LastName 21 days ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Keep Brush Settings out of the image

When I'm working with masks and the cursor is leaving the image area, it changes into a standard cursor instead of keeping my brush settings (size, opacity etc.). This cannot allow me to start painting out of the image and enter into the image wit...
Krzysztof Gadomski 21 days ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Reset all settings in selected layer without mask

When I have a mask selected in the image and make various changes. Often I want to reset the settings of that layer while keeping the mask, this will allow me to make new settings without re-selecting the mask.
Sławomir Zych 4 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Apple Pencil pressure sensitive masking brush on CO Mobile

When masking with a brush it would be a lot easier to have a pressure sensitive capability to feather better
Flavio Bosi 2 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 0 Awaiting review

Apple pencil support for annotations on ipad

It would be awesome if it was possible, during a shoot tethered to capture one mobile, to be able to make quick annotations with the Apple Pencil. I get a lot of feedback on how the client wants something edited.
Lars Wartenbergh 10 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 1 Awaiting review

Crop Outside Image on Capture One Mobile

I often crop outside my image after using Keystone Correction. This is possible on Desktop, but not mobile. Without this feature on Mobile, I can't confirm an image will crop properly when I'm back at my retouching station. I also can't show a cli...
Eric Staudenmaier about 1 month ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 1 Awaiting review

eip export to older version of capture one

please add the possibility to save an eip for older C1 versions. Could be handled like in other application: "save as eip" (save as .doc 97-2003 or so)
Dirk Weissensteiner 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Option to change colour of scrolling slider in unclicked state to be much brighter

There is a small slider that appears on the side of the browsing panel. It's light grey. It's really hard to see. When you click it, it turns orange, then it's really easy to see, that's great. But please could we have an option to make the slider...
Gabriel Gilson 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review

Download all images

Please add an ability to download all images from Live to users desktop. I cannot force my clients to edit how I want them to. When browsing thousands of images from a lifestyle shoot a browser is not the way to always work. Of course you could se...
Troy House 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Live 1 Awaiting review