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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Mobile
Created by Christian Velten
Created on Dec 28, 2023

Sharing from CO on desktop to CO mobile

Which device are you using?

iPad mini 6, CO Pro on Win10, Fuji cameras

What problem do you see this solving?

Currently, there seems to be only one way to transfer images through Capture One Cloud: from iPad/iPhone to Capture One Pro for further editing on the computer. Factually, the iPad is the primary, leading device, and the PC a kind of "satellite".

But for me (and I might not be the only one) this approach doesn't really make sense, as the set-up is vice versa. Typically, the main CO photo library is located on some kind of PC/MacBook/laptop. And other devices like the iPad are the satellites, where you want to remotely manage, edit, etc.

Allowing to share photos from PC/Mac to iPad would make way more sense than vice versa. And CO Pro and CO mobile seem to miss the opportunity to play their full power by being bidirectionally connected/synced.

At least for me, with the limitation to unidirectionally share from iPad only and not vice versa, CO mobile is useless, as I will never initially load new shots to my iPad.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Over two very frustrating last 2weeks

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals?

I am manually sharing selected RAW files from CO on PC with CO mobile on iPad via a 3rd party cloud storage, which is a more painful process and far from actually having truly synced files

  • Tommy Boatman
    May 22, 2024

    This is one of my primary needs as well. As much as I have always preferred Capture One’s processing capabilities over anything else, my workflow needs make the entire ecosystem unusable without this ability.

    Bidirectional, in the cloud age, is just not negotiable.

  • FirstName LastName
    Apr 24, 2024

    I usually photograph thettered in a MacBook and it would be fantastic if my clients could select, rate or add labels to the photos, using the ipad synced with the macbook catalog…

    1 reply
  • Evi Kefallinou (CO)
    Feb 26, 2024

    Hello everyone on the thread! I am collecting customer testimonials about this, could you please help me out? You can drop me an email if you want, sharing a few words about your photography genre, your current workflow and why sync or session support is important for you. My email is:

    Thank you very much!

  • Guest
    Jan 30, 2024

    Absoutely agree, this doesn't make sense at all. There should be a cloud sync to be able to access any image from any device (similar to lightroom) 

    Frustrating to not be able to share images on the go, from anywhere.