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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Lee Christiansen
Created on Mar 23, 2024

Geometry Correction Indicators

You have the feature where we can correct verticals / horizontals by lining up a line with two circles on anything we want to correct the geometry on.

It's great, but those lines / circles are so feint that it can be hard to find the darn things on a complex image.

Can we have an option in the preferences where we can change the density of the line/circle tool to our taste.

It would also be very useful if we could have a small floating window next to the circle which magnifies the area so we can be more accurate.

If that floating magnifier proves tricky to do, perhaps automatically switch the "Focus" window to the circle area when we click on it - so the Focus tool would be multi-functioning, but automatically.

Current workaround

Currently I just have to hunt very hard to find the indicators... :)

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Mar 24, 2024

    There's a request already for a loupe: