With a growing number of tool options, and many using big sccreens, it would be really useful to be able to add a second column of tools and sliders, so could have library and keywords open alongside main sliders, or a separate colour management stack on the screen at the same time to save switching and scrolling so much
Thank you - that does go some way to helping, I have just set up as your suggestion - it also makes me realise that if you could just have the image window snap to the side of the floating tool stack you could set up completely as you want which would be really useful. The software window opens at different sizes needing adjustment each time, so if you could create the stack and have it in the window but not overlapping the image it would solve the issue entirely. Thanks for the workaround though
Hi Matt, thanks for the suggestion - while not an exact solution, have you tried dragging tools out of their column as floating tools? They will snap to each other and you can essentially create another column of tools.
If you don't want this column to overlap your image, you can make the software window narrower and put this colum in the space that has been freed.