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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 23, 2023

Adjustment for the Ai select and Ai eraser

What problem do you see this solving?

Having the capability to adjust the opacity/intensity of a mask created by the Ai Select and Ai Eraser would allow variable multiple selections in the same layer using the Ai Selection/Eraser.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I frequently find that the Ai Select/Eraser would benefit from having an opacity slider as in the Magic Brush/Eraser. Inasmuch as the Ai Select/Eraser tools make the selection at 100% I very often have to resort to the Magic brush/eraser or regular brush to make additional mask selections of less than intensity. This allows to make multiple levels of adjustments in a layer and helps minimize the number of layers in an image.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

The workaround used is as indicated above.

  • Den Denyer
    Mar 25, 2024

    I think I understand you here, and think it would be useful.

    If I'm correct, you want to be able to set the AI selection to say, 25%, and when you click, have the AI selection made at 25% opacity such that if you click again, it will be 50%, then 75% then finally 100%, allowing you to (say) select someone's shirt @ 25% and then select their trousers twice to 50%, creating a single layer mask where different components are selected at different opacities ?

    This would be hugely useful.

  • Guest
    Dec 26, 2023

    Thank you for your comment however that is not exactly what I am requesting.  I am aware I can work around the 100% selection with either an eraser brush or magic eraser set at less than 100% opacity.  I would like to have Ai Select/Eraser be more like the Ai Magic Brush and Magic eraser with an opacity slider so I could select different areas in the same layer with the new Ai brushes.  It is difficult to visualize if you don't have the latest Ai masking however, that you again.

  • Boris Tomsic
    Dec 26, 2023

    If I understand you correctly, you want different areas of a mask with different levels of opacity within the same Layer.
    If you want some area at less than 100% it's hard to guess what % to add or brush in the mask, so instead, it's better to start with 100% then go over it with Erase brush at say 5% or 10% until you get the desired result.
    The only thing is I don't have the latest C1 with AI masking, but from your post it seems like after you create an AI mask you can erase parts of it, in the same way as a Luma Mask, is that right?