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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by John Friend
Created on Dec 11, 2023

Provide syncing between multiple licensed copies of Capture One for styles, export recipes, import settings, custom key maps, color profiles, presets, etc...

What problem do you see this solving?

Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One.

Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it.

The general problem is that you have multiple licensed copies of Capture One (laptop, desktop, mobile) and they all have their own customizations that are different and time consuming to try to keep the same. You add a custom keymap in one and it's not available in the others. You create a new Export recipe in one and its not available the others. You set up a great rename strategy upon import in one and it's available on the others and so on...

This can be solved by implementing automatic synchronization of the user profile/settings for multiple computers (laptop, desktop, mobile) all on the same Capture One license. This would provide you these same items across all your licensed installations:

  • export recipes
  • styles and style brushes
  • presets
  • custom keystrokes
  • user preferences
  • import settings and saved import recipes
  • color profiles
  • defaults
  • etc...

It is not clear if workspaces should be synced or not. Clearly you don't want a default workspace from iPad overwriting a default workspace from a 30" desktop, but if each client's workspace was saved separately as a separate name, there would be benefit to have them all available at any time, particularly if you use multiple systems of similar monitor size (such as multiple desktops, perhaps home and work) where you might like to maintain the same workspace in each.

Note, all this stuff is saved in /users/username/AppData/Local/CaptureOne and /users/username/AppData/Local/Capture_One (on Windows), but you don't want to sync everything there because you should NOT sync some of the things that are there like /ImageCore, /MSALCachexxx, /Logs, /Batchxxx.

This can be a user preference whether you want settings synced or not (defaults to "on").

Though there are many ways this could be implemented, but for maximum user simplicity, this is envisioned using a hosted service by Capture One such that when a licensed product starts up, it queries the hosted service for any updates and downloads and applies any changes (since last sync) pushed to the preferences service from other clients using the same license.

When any licensed product modifies anyone of the synced settings, that delta can be pushed to the hosted repository (as a single setting change only, not sending everything to minimize the chance of concurrency issues).

If a client is working offline, they will function just fine with the last set of settings that they have, but will queue up any changes to be sent the next time the client is online.

If a need for data encryption beyond https transport is envisioned (I'm not sure there's anything that warrants encryption in these settings and it should only be accessible by the license holder anyway), the data could be encrypted with an encryption key derived from the license key.

This could be offered to perpetual license users for a small annual add-on fee of like $25/yr (defensible and logical since there's a hosted component to it) and included in a subscription (would offer further incentive in favor of a subscription). If the perpetual license client stops paying the add-on fee, then all clients would just continue to work fine without syncing.

Note: A thoughtful implementation would examine every user preference separately in user.config to decide if it should or should not be synced. Some preferences may be system dependent and should perhaps not be synced.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

If your feedback is more general, simply let us know how much your workflow is affected.

Every time I switch systems and find settings changes, new recipes, new styles, etc... that are not the same in my other licensed installation. For me, it's every time I travel with my laptop and then every time I return back to my desktop.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

This is so we have a greater understanding of how your workflow is affected, and how we can improve the existing tools and functionality.

Attempting to manually copy some things like Export recipes between systems, but this is a fairly technical thing for most people to do, painstakingly slow to cover most things and things like user preferences are buried inside a settings XML file so they aren't very easy to copy and copying some things such as ImageCore and Logs are not appropriate, but many users may not know what to copy or what not to copy.

The other work-around is to manually track every configuration change you make and then reimplement it in the other client. Of course, pretty much nobody does this so what happens instead is you go on a trip with your laptop or tablet and THEN realize that your latest export recipes or your new import rename strategy is not available and you have to try to remember how to recreate it from scratch).

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