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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Martin Groth
Created on Nov 5, 2023

Olympus/OMDS Hight Resolution Shots

Hi Folks!

Olympus / OMDS has been offering the option of taking high-resolution shots for some years now. As a result, these are also RAW files including all Exif information. Unfortunately, lens corrections are only applied to the single-shot RAWs, not to the high-resolution shots. Is there a reason for this? Could this be added in one of the next versions?

Thanks and best regards


  • Martin Groth
    Nov 19, 2023

    Sorry for the delay.

    High Resolution Shots Images are created by calculating an overall image from a number of photos created with a pixel shift. The result is again a RAW file, only this is much higher resolution and larger than a "single shot". Lens corrections are identical for both versions.

  • Grant Perkins
    Nov 13, 2023


    How does the camera create the high-resolution file?

    Is it already applying some adjustments, in some cases, that might make any further lens adjustments irrelevant or possibly even inappropriate?

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 13, 2023

    Please read this post on how to format a improvement request then edit your message to reformat it.