Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
Some commands in a tool show a tooltip when you hover over it with the mouse. Especially the reset button shows a huge tooltip. I have the tools on the left, so the tooltip hides a big part oft the image I'm working on. That's annoying.
I wished there were an option to turn off these tooltips.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
I'm affected every time I work with Capture One. The tooltips prevent me from viewing the image and evaluating the adjustments in peace.
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? I didn't find any workaround. |
btw, the annoying tool tips were one reason I put the tool to the right hand, they don't intrude so much into the image.
Also, consider switching to the English language, it has a couple of benefits,
(1) It is generally (most often) more precise because it is the "native" language most software providers use, that includes documentation
(2) you are familiar with the English terms after a while thus you can search and understand content from the internet faster/better
(3) English is often shorter than other languages which specifically helps to have smaller tooltips
(4) in this forum, as in many others btw., there are more English speaking members, so screenshots pasted are better and faster understood by others, which results in more people willing to help
Another tip: Maximize the tools width so the tool tip is not overlaying your image so much:
Ok, this one was rather a joke :-)))
But you see the English text for this specific tool tip is shorter and line breaks are better, and see the tool tip starts at the right hand side thus not reaching into your image so much.
Tool panel with the smallest width possible:
Yes, that seems to be the case. And you used the correct formatting / filled out the paragraphs, they said that only then the R&D team will find it. Sounds strange to me but that is what they said. You don't need to do anything else.
btw, +1 from me.
Okular, we have even been on the moon, already decades ago (as most of us believe, incl. me), so I don't believe there is no way to disable some tooltips in 2023.:-)
Maybe they need to get the code from the 3rd party component vendor and overwrite some parts of it, if they are using 3rd party components for the UI, but I think it should not be impossible. Or maybe just shorten the text.
Okular, Ian – thanks for your answers and for your time. I appreciate that.
Karolina (Capture One) wrote:
Does anyone know if this will happen and if yes, when?
So I guess the only thing I can do for now is – wait ...
I think he means that it is a thing that Capture One ought to find a solution for rather than just depending on the OS settings.
Es war eine reine User Community. Mittlerweile schauen Capture One Mitarbeiter auch hinein, aber nicht überall (dieses Subforum gehört dazu). Sorry, ich wollte nicht verwirren, wusste ja nicht, daß der Support Dich hierher verwiesen hat. Mit "... an Capture One wenden .." meinte ich, daß wir User da nicht helfen können, eben nur Capture One.
Danke für die ausführliche Antwort.
Aber was meinst Du mit 'im Ende also wieder an Capture One wenden'? Ich dachte, ich wäre hier bei Capture One.
Hatte ich mich nicht an Capture One gewendet?
Hilfe, wo bin ich?
Ok, verstanden, klang erst so nach den erweiterten Tooltips von C1. Aber dann, wird's schwierig. Wir hatten dieses Thema hier vor einiger Zeit schon einmal. Diese Tooltips oder QuickInfos sind ja ein Feature (?) des Betriebssystems. Ich habe da auch recherchiert und Windows Registry Tweaks ohne Erfolg ausprobiert.
In Photoshop soll es wohl eine Einstellung geben, die diese Infos abschaltet. Würde für mich aber heißen, daß der Software Hersteller hier etwas programmieren kann + muss, was die Tooltips nicht grundsätzlich im System abschaltet, aber für die eigene Anwendung unterbindet (ausblendet ...). D.h. im Ende also wieder an Capture One wenden ...
Ja, auf Deutsch ist auch okay.
Nein, meinte ich nicht. Die Option, erweiterte tooltips abzuschalten, gibt es ja schon.
Ich wünsche mir die Option, auch die 'normalen' tooltips abschalten zu können. Besonders der tooltip zum button 'Zurücksetzen' schiebt sich fast über das ganze Bild:
Karolina hat bestätigt, dass sich die 'normalen' tooltips nicht abschalten lassen:
Ich vermute mal, daß ich auf Deutsch antworten kann und das Du unter den Voreinstellungen (Menü Bearbeiten) diese Einstellung auf dem Register Allgemein meinst: