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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Brian Carlson
Created on Feb 13, 2024

C1 Live - easily find images with comments

Within C1 and when using C1 live it'd be nice to have an easier way of finding images with comments. Right now you have to manually look through all of them. Maybe via the list view?

  • Brian Carlson
    Feb 15, 2024

    1901072955773, That would certainly be helpful and I'm sure many people would find that useful. I could see a scenario where somehow having the comments attached to the image is easier than getting an email and having to go find those images.

    But that's not what I'm referring to in my original post. I'm talking about the ability to gathering, in one place, all photos that have comments, like how you can easily find all 1 star images. 

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Feb 15, 2024

    The comments are not stored in the metadata of the image, they are stored online while the Live collection is active. Once the Live collection expires (or when you stop it), the comments disappear, and they are sent to you via email for archiving.

    The Live collections are meant as an active collaboration tool, not an annotations/comment archival system, at least for now. If this is something you'd like us to work on, feel free to make a feature request for it :) 

  • Brian Carlson
    Feb 15, 2024

    Thanks 1901072955773, that's good to hear. 

  • Grant Perkins
    Feb 15, 2024

    Where are the "Comments" stored in the C1 metadata files? 

    Are the comments in C1 Live saved in an application specific data field or one of the Generic fields in the image edit metadata? I get the impression they are in the generic Comments field in, say, a jpg file.

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Feb 15, 2024

    Hi 382365490878 and 368407896237, 

    We would also love to have a filter for images with comments, we had time to develop it on the mobile app but not on the desktop software so far. Other priorities took over since then, but we hope to do that in the future.

  • Guest
    Feb 15, 2024

    You can do comments in every picture with capture one live in the Webbrowser and it’s not easy to sort them out

  • Boris Tomsic
    Feb 15, 2024

    What do you mean by "comments"?
    The only "comments" I'm aware of is a metadata field shown with images files in Windows Explorer. If this is what you mean, then Capture One does not appear to recognise this field. (I don't know what's in Mac's Finder)

  • Guest
    Feb 14, 2024

    I totally agree. My clients do the retouching instructions in the comments and it was pretty annoying to find everything.

  • +3