Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
This is a huge weakness in C1Pro. Many other software can do this and C1 can't.
For instance you should be able to view all images in subfolders in your "Capture" folder by selecting it without needing to using "all images" smart collection or need to make a smart collection.
In the session folders created by C1 i also miss the ability to show subfolder. Since version 3.7...
Moved from the archive on 15.05.23.
Implemented in Capture One 21 (14.3.0): The history of tools and features added to Capture One Pro.
This is such a basic feature and definitely missing.
Reposting my comments from the other similar thread, for added visibility, given this request has 34 votes:
Its such a shame, this very basic (but wholly essential) feature is missing from the highly regarded CaptureOne(which I love for all the other reasons, trying to move away from LR).
PLEASE PLEASE make this is a top priority for your next development sprint. This is such a low hanging fruit , much requested and awaited feature/enhancement for apparently years.
The development effort involved shouldnt be hugh, since the ask is to merely implement an "option",that will display all the images in the current+sub-folders recursively - an operation many operating systems naturally support in being able to provide a recursive list of all image files underneath a specific directory/folder.
The workarounds mentioned - do not completely provide the same capability in a simple/straightforward manner. Organizing folders/files recursively , is NOT LIGHTROOM specific..but something many operating systems like Unix/Linux ,Windows have been doing for decades. Even newcomers like Luminar provide this capability so efficiently. Just have a look at Luminar pls, you know what I am talking about.
This is a very basic but critical feature missing in C1, if implemented, will pave way for many many more LR users easily transition - looking at the threads.
Dont get me wrong, I really like C1 and want to move away from LR completely...,but "product gaps" like these are not very encouraging..esp one thats been requested by a wide consumer base for years, without progress!
Thank you!
You get the impression that the priorities aren't quite as good as they could have been in this company.
Jurg, you are preaching to the converted😉, it would be very useful to me and to others as well apparently, so we can hope that C1 implement it at some point.
What kind of policy is this, seriously? I mean, I work as a Software Engineer myself. If I would just mark a Issue or Feature Request as completed just because I have read it, and maybe noted it on a post-it on my desk, I would be in trouble quite soon...
But oh well... Let's see, maybe they will find one of the post-it notes mentioning this request sometime in the next few years...
After reading all the comments in the different feature requests I can quite understand all the disapointed users.
What seems to happen is tha once the request has been sent to the Product Management team then it gets marked as closed. I am not convinced I agree that the status should be closed as we have no idea when the functionality is likely to be implemented (if ever), but it is what seems to happen.
"How is this marked as "Completed"? Can someone explain how to get the functionality or was this just marked as completed by mistake?"
"Completed" just means that they've noted that the request has been made, nothing more than that.
How is this marked as "Completed"? Can someone explain how to get the functionality or was this just marked as completed by mistake?
+1 this feature would save me so much time!!!
When you import a folder to the catalog, isn't it already possible to include subfolders?
I would find it very usefull if when adding a folder to the my catalogue aslo the subfolder included would be imported/added.
This would save time when there is a need to reimport the folder structure again. (no matter if just one or the whole folder structure)
I would also like to be able to colorize the folders in diffferent colors. (alike for a single picture)
Would this be something to consider for one of the next updates?
OMG. When will CaptureOne finally get some user-friendly (and user-requested) file management capabilities?
This is a major inconvenience in addition to the fact that one cannot create Smart Filters that uses the folder name as criteria. Seriously - how difficult is it to extend the current viewing capabilities to transcend sub-folders?!?
Just in case you haven't seen it, they say beta discussion is strictly prohibited.
Disappointed this isn't being added to 2, it's not listed as a feature in the beta. I guess we will wait another year for it and cross our fingers it makes it to 22...
"Only an acceptable action to introduce if it can be turned off"
Isn't that what the request is for?
Only an acceptable action to introduce if it can be turned off - in my opinion.
Adding my voice to this ‘completed’ post to show support for this feature request.
After spending days (literally) importing 91,000 images into a catalog, this missing feature of C1 catalogs is forcing me to use LR to edit my archive. This is a massive pain in the ass.
I have a sneaking suspicion (though, I’m not a programmer) that however Capture One handles its database makes it very difficult to add this functionality.
C1 has always been ‘buggy’ regarding the need to ‘Add to favorites’ in order to make images searchable / smart-album worthy.
Everyone on this and other threads need to submit support requests for this feature addition.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
"A simple right click context menu option to toggle on/off "view subfolder contents" is all that's needed."