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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 4, 2020

select multiple folders / albums / collections

Recursive view and multiple selection

Capture One is a great program, but it makes me lose hours, HOURS, of life for trivial things.

I do jobs where I deal with hundreds of products, I need to subdivide these products into folders (of the file system, I need them to be subdivided also in the Explorer of the operating system).

I need to select a folder to recursively see all the photos it contains. Because missing this possibility I waste hours creating ridiculous custom filters to see the photos I need.

I also have the extreme need to be able to select multiple folders, if I select two folders I must be able to see all the photos they contain (including subfolders), and above all I need to be able to make a multiple selection because it is indispensable when moving files.

Yesterday I lost 10 minutes of time to move one by one 200 folders to another folder, all this because I could not select them at once and move them.

It's really frustrating for me, I want to get away from Lightroom to use only your software but these ridiculous technical limitations make me waste a lot of time and money.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Dec 28, 2023

    381576217278 "Anyway, if it's "on the radar" for future releases, I will keep hoping and wishing that future is not very far."

    Hope dies last.

    "On the radar for future releases" is C1 code speak for "we successfully ignored that request for four years and hope to get away with another four years."

  • Guest
    Aug 28, 2023

    Thank you Mathieu B for your answer, I was not aware what "not currently planned" meant.

    It's just that these multiple selection gestures or shortcuts are so common that I didn't understand why it still not standard in CO1, which always had lots of customisation, multiple gestures and keyboard shortcuts.

    Maybe your user base is not that much concerned with this omission.

    Anyway, if it's "on the radar" for future releases, I will keep hoping and wishing that future is not very far.

    Thank you.

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Aug 28, 2023

    Hi 381576217278, I just wanted to clarify that "not currently planned" means it is not something that we are working on at the moment.

    Everything that is on this forum is "on the radar" for future releases, but until we make the decision to actively work on the specific request, it's not planned.

  • Guest
    Aug 26, 2023

    In every operating system I know, namely windows and macos, there is a standard procedure for multiple selections: you control/command click files or folders for non contiguous selections, or you shift click for continuous file selection. Be it folders, files, images, whatever. It's basic suff, for years. Nothing special, nothing new, nothing extreme.
    It bugs me and I tear my hair of trying to understand why this feature or shortcut is not available is Capture 1, pro and all. I have to use other software to move folders from one place to the other, to delete a group of folders, without having to perform this sophisticated task one by one. The folder handling in Capture One is lacking things that we take for granted basically everywhere else.

    While I don't see the rationale for not having this in place in the current version, I find odd (and really don't ger it, as a photographer or in a developer point of view) and surprising that this humble but essential feature is not in the radar for future release.

    If someone would like to explain and justify, in a simple and objective way, why this is so, I would much like to hear. 

    Thank you, have a nice weekend. 

  • Mathieu Bourlion
    Aug 10, 2023

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • Guest
    May 16, 2023

    Moved from the archive on 16.05.23.

    Show images in subfolders implemented in v20 (14.3.0): The history of tools and features added to Capture One Pro

    Selecting multiple folders / collections logged.

  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2020

    Enrico (the OP), have you found an alternative? Either within CaptureOne or with another program?

  • Guest
    Nov 29, 2020

    "In your example you have to have that structure already to select those Folders in Lightroom. So you took time to create that structure. If you would have taken the same time to create it inside C1 insetad on hard drive you could Archive exactly the same."

    How, exactly?

    As I tried to explain here: it's not just that refiling years of photos is a thankless task; it's that, even if you wanted to do it, how would you do it?

    You cannot nest albums one into the other. If you want some kind of hierarchical structure, like:


    ---- 2019

    ---- ---- Laura's wedding

    ---- ---- ---- Wedding

    ---- ---- ---- Honeymoon

    ---- ---- New York Holiday

    ---- ---- ---- Manhattan

    ---- ---- ---- Brooklyn

    ---- ---- Christmas


    How would you do it?


    The lack of this most banal feature is the only thing keeping me from leaving Lightroom - and I am not the only one.

  • Guest
    Sep 8, 2020

    Hello, any news?

  • Guest
    May 10, 2020

    Fully agree. I am all in favor of working preferably with attributes (ratings, labels, keywords, etc.).

    However, I see the one click aggregate folder / album view just as a "keyboard shortcut" for a frequently used "query" yielding the same results. Its ubiquitously present and C1 should have it too.

    If  one "loose the folders" design principle is becoming fashionable with C1 development BTW I wonder what about the "move to _Reject folder" menu item.


  • Guest
    May 10, 2020

    Relational database have been around for years as well - but still we cling to manually generated and managed folder structures.

    The person who invented the filing cabinet  - and thus the skill of misfiling things - may need to be questioned about their motives.



  • Guest
    May 10, 2020

    Having the ability to access / manipulate objects (folders, user collections) in a hierarchical fashion is IMHO a real no-brainer. Didn't DOS do that already? This kind of request is around for years. It is quite surprising that we even have to discuss.

  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2020

    Please be patient, guys.
    This is a request feature Forum but even the amount of users requesting a feature does not mean by default that it is a good one or that it does fit into the workflow. Beeing a developer myself I learned that many, even most feature requests are based on the fact that people switch from one Software to another and expect that old workflow to be the same.

    But sometimes there are reasons that it is not. So one solution of the Software company is to add that feature and one solution is to open the mind for that different workflow.

    I did the last one and what do I say: It works better. That is what BeO and I wanted point out. Sometimes People ask for a feature simply because the are stuck in their own workflow and I am no exception to this. C1 does a different approach and that is really worth looking at it.

  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2020

    yikes. good riddance

  • BeO O
    Mar 11, 2020

    I did not say he is alone, nor do I downvote this topic, I encourage people to submit requests to the company even if I do not need or like it, which is not the case with this request, because in the end the number of users requesting something is relevant for the company and user base. Unlike you I have not eaten all the wisdom of the world. You do not seem to understand me at all, that's becoming more and more clear.

    And yes this is the forum to discuss feature requests, feel free to do so, but don't debase other users opinions and posts in the way you did, they might feel offended. If that's your personal thing you like to do, well, I told you already what I think about it. It seems you might need some lectures from some soft skill trainer, not from me certainly for this purpose.

    I am getting bored by you so fare well. Basta e Ciao.


  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2020

    this is a feature request forum. what are you on about

    i posted links from 2015 until 2018 showing many people requested this and he's definitely not alone


    what exactly do you think the point of this forum is, this is the request side. if you don't agree with a feature request stay out or downvote


    stop lecturing



  • BeO O
    Mar 11, 2020

    First of all, nobody in this thread did ignore Enrico, as we posted something here.

    Second, nobody here said this is a nonsense desire he or you have.

    And nobody here was forcing anybody to anything but rather gave suggestions how one can possibly work with C1 to achive what is required.

    I even acknowledged that the option you have with C1 is not for everyones' workflow, so tell me can't you read?

    what did you expect, a shitstorm against C1, or hundreds of users singing the same song as yours? In what bubble you live in? 

    What kind of help did you offer to Enrico other than singing his song, did you encourage him to submit a request? Did you show him a way to work with C1?  You only emphasize the negative points and find always some point which cannot be done, no matter what people suggest, instead of what can be done. And if you cannot argue anymore meaningful, your plain reply is that this is all nonsense what we suggest. This tells a lot more about you than you might think...

    Ah, and sorry, I didn't want to make you feel so small.


  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2020

    never used LR in my life and i didnt submit this feature request either. wake up man people have different needs than you so stop forcing them to use what works for you doesnt work for many many

    you should go back to the echo chamber where you came from as well


    no regards lol so small



  • BeO O
    Mar 11, 2020

    Well, let me put it that way: if you are using words like nonsense in posts directed to users who want to help getting aquaintened to the new software you have chosen then I would very much encourage you to go back to LR or at least stop posting here !!! Nobody needs this here, maybe this is LR user attitude but then you might feel at home there and should go back!

    And nobody stops you from submittting a request to C1, but until you get this feature, if ever, you might want to make use of this "nonsense" with or without our advice!

    go figure! 

    No regards

  • Guest
    Mar 10, 2020

    i mean i see how you guys are working but that really does not work the same for everyone. it is more complicated to use albums, smart albums and filters

    enrico complained about that in the first paragraph and it seems to be completely ignored and i agree with him 


    you should be able to select whatever folders in system folders you want and see all the pictures and apply whatever filters if you want. im not sure why that is so complicated or radical

    you get to keep whatever workflows you are using right now

    recursive folders can be a checkbox, or right click operation. it would simplify everything. if you want to move files it would be way easier to just drag them around when they are multi selected instead of this IPTC nonsense and import metadata and exports



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