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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Marcin Mrzygłocki
Created on Sep 9, 2023

Retain column width and order in List View of Browser

What problem do you see this solving?

Reordering and resizing columns every time after switching between List Mode and Grid Mode is an annoyance.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Always when I switch between modes; they have different purposes and both can be used during work for that reason, but this requires readjusting columns every time List Mode is used.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

None known.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Sep 11, 2023

    Let's hope for the best. :)

  • Boris Tomsic
    Sep 10, 2023

    JoJu Yes, you may be right. We're all only guessing which way would be better but we'll see if we get any feedback from them

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Sep 10, 2023

    but when I see how long some requests remain unreplied, I think we users would be finished with a checklist long before any devs get started.

    At least we would be done with our part, including voting/comments/support, and the ball would be in their court.

    So, one question could be "which other windows should remember if a user is altering size or sorting mode?" Maybe they are connected in a way?

    Maybe everything should be treated as part of Workspace - you import a workspace and columns in List View change order, windows adjust their size and so on. This could be exported as well and applied to other instances to have the same workflow and interface everywhere, not just within tool tabs.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Sep 10, 2023


    Good request! I'm also using the list view (or try to, it is an annoyance) to check for naming and for "not referenced" files, also for a quick check for ISO/f/s range of a certain group, for ratings and or maybe forgotten files of a renaming process. Except "sequence ID", all possible metadata are checked, I need them frequently. And it would be great if C1 would remember sorting orders and proportions of the columns.


     Expanding requests might be a bad idea from dev's view (like "moving target" ***), but a good idea to collect things which also should be improved and might influence a strategy how to get it done. I posted a request to remember the import window size. It always maxes out and needs to be resized with each import. So, one question could be "which other windows should remember if a user is altering size or sorting mode?" Maybe they are connected in a way? Another question could be "which window should always start with a default size, no matter what a user changed?"

    It would be good to be able to "fall back to default size" in case something is going South.

    *** but when I see how long some requests remain unreplied, I think we users would be finished with a checklist long before any devs get started.

  • Boris Tomsic
    Sep 10, 2023

    Ahh ok, thanks. I tried that but it didn't work, so it must be a later update, coz I'm still on 15.1.
    But as you said, still not much good if it's not saved

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Sep 10, 2023

    I didn't think it was possible to rearrange the columns, hence my added request. Do you know how to re-order the columns?

    Drag&drop the headers, works on 16.2.3; is not saved, though, which makes the feature very limited - why spend time on moving columns around, if few minutes later this would be forgotten?

  • Boris Tomsic
    Sep 10, 2023

    Yeh, wasn't sure whether it'd be better to expand on the request here so it's all in one place in relation to the same tool or do it separately. Judging from previous input from staff into other requests they seem to prefer to simplify things by consolidating like or related requests. I wasn't suggesting you should append it to your own request but anticipating they will read the whole dialog and hopefully pick that up as well as yours. Nevertheless I'll try submitting a separate request as well to make sure.

    Re: "move useless columns to the end"
    I didn't think it was possible to rearrange the columns, hence my added request. Do you know how to re-order the columns?

    I use List mode frequently to do the initial entering of metadata as it's very useful and practical to see the date/time and other details for many images at a glance, as opposed to referring to the Metadata tab where you can only see details for one selected image at a time.
    List mode is great for being able to see the date/time of a range of images so that you can select a specific range in order to enter metadata like Location and Scene, while at the same time being able to see a large enough Viewer so that if necessary you can also check the image and also make adjustments like Shadow and Black when the image is too dark. You can't do this using Grid or Filmstrip modes.
    Surely this would be helpful for pros like wedding photographers moving to different locations. But as you've requested, after setting it to your needs it needs to remain the same.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Sep 9, 2023

    I have decided to refrain requesting column choice now, as to me this is a different feature (unless entirely new columns could be added, a workaround would be to move useless columns to the end and resize Browser so that they would be out of view), but 375013771378, if you were to create a request for that - I would join, as I would be eager to use this as well. I have avoided using List View for a long time, but with experience came a desire for workflow changes that include List View... and a discovery of several flaws detrimental enough to wish they were fixed soon.

  • Boris Tomsic
    Sep 9, 2023

    Yes please! Thank you Marcin, have been meaning to submit this request for some time.

    The List Mode is a very useful and helpful option with some excellent features.

    However, it is time consuming and inefficient having to readjust the column widths every time you switch between filmstrip or grid modes and list mode, or after closing the app.

    • You may be switching modes continually when reviewing images and need to check date/time, for example, to see which images belong together or work out where they were taken.
    • Though you may be primarily using List mode you also need to switch to Grid mode to be able see a greater number and/or larger previews, and for faster scrolling.
    • It's inefficient to refer to the metadata tab for the date/time because you can only see details of one image at a time, whereas in list mode you can easily glance at a range of image details and select all the relevant ones in order to make any adjustments, set ratings or enter other metadata.


    Also be able to choose which fields/columns/items/data are shown, and to change the order. Would suggest in the drop-down menu for selecting sort order, have a check-box next to each field. This is in order to minimise the browser width by only showing data that's required for purpose.
    Currently some columns seem to have a fixed minimum width and cannot be reduced to zero or even one character width, forcing you to have an unnecessarily wide Browser and reducing space for the Viewer.

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