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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Chris Henry
Created on Jul 31, 2024

Automatically reset export counter

Please add a checkbox to the export dialogue so that the export counter resets to 1 after each export. It is infuriating having to click through to reset the counter after each export and I cannot think of a single use case why automatically resetting it would not be the default preference.

In addition, this seems to make it impossible to use a counter was using different recipes to export, unless I am missing something that is not explained by the UI. Not adding a counter to the image means that the first image exported has no number - not helpful.

Regardless, starting the export counter at 1 ought to be the default option, with a checkbox to opt in/out of the resetting for those who do not want it.

Current workaround

I currently have no workaround: I manually reset it every time.

  • Prasad Palaniyandi
    Aug 2, 2024

    I use counter for import and I agree with you that it is frustrating to reset counter each time...