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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Robert Nystrom
Created on Aug 4, 2023

Modifier key to slow mouse input in Curves

What problem do you see this solving?

Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One.

Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it.

When using curves, small adjustments are usually all that's needed. While arrow keys work, it would be easier to use a modifier key to slow mouse input down when adjusting a control point for more precision.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

If your feedback is more general, simply let us know how much your workflow is affected.


Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

This is so we have a greater understanding of how your workflow is affected, and how we can improve the existing tools and functionality.

Arrow keys, but it's clumsier. I could use a mouse with 'speed' control on a mouse button (logitech), but it's not very fluid.

  • Robert Nystrom
    Aug 7, 2023

    Yes, on Mac the Option key + mouse wheel does move the curves point up and down. It's a limited benefit, as it depends on the setting for how coarse the mouse wheel is. Plus, I can't move the point left or right without moving the mouse.

    Yes, the arrow keys do move the point in all directions with fine control, BUT I have to 'drop' the mouse to do it (right handed). I just would be more fluid if I could keep my hand on the mouse and use a 'left hand' modifier to slow it down. Quicker.

    I have tried using a Logitech mouse button to slow things down- which does work- but it's clumsy for 'short' mouse slow downs, and the modifier keys tend to be a problem with CO's blessed keys.

    It probably could be done with a tablet and tablet pad buttons, but I'm a mouser. I have never had success with tablet pens (it's a me problem). Too many decades using mice for CAD.

    Thanks for the attention!

  • BeO O
    Aug 7, 2023

    With <Alt> you can also slow down the effect on a curve point when moving a pen on a graphics tablet. But that is probably not surprising because the pen is very similar to a mouse for Windows, isn't it.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Aug 5, 2023

    Thanks for the upvote.

    I don't use a mouse so I'm unsure if it works with modifier keys. Curve points can be adjusted using the arrow keys on their own, but that's something else.


  • BeO O
    Aug 5, 2023

    In the Windows version you can move a selected curve point with the mouse wheel up and down, and with a modifier key left or right, does this work in the Mac version too?

  • BeO O
    Aug 5, 2023

    Oh really, there is something for WIndows which is not available for the Mac? Normally it is the other way round, like scripting or autohide of browser and tools.

    I upvoted you request for the Mac, this is a valuable feature which the Mac users also should have...

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Aug 5, 2023

    Already requested here:

    369260519517 – As far as I'm aware, this function is Windows only.

  • BeO O
    Aug 5, 2023

    Your wish will be fulfilled :-)

    Use the <Alt> key (is this <Option> on Mac?) and the movements of the curve points will slow down / lag behind the mouse cursor, as it is the case with all (or most) other sliders.


  • +3