Details Please provide a history panel. What problem do you see this solving? Without a History Panel, there is no way of reviewing edits, or reverting to an earlier state, other than keep on pressing ctrl-z or Undo, which is very inefficient. Ctr...
It would really help if Capture One could single out the sky or ground for editing. It should be knowledgeable enough to know that trees have limbs where the sky is in between the limbs.
I backup my catalog weekly. Over time the backups pile up on the hard drive and take up a lot of space. It would be nice if there was an option in the backup dialogue to automatically delete backups older than x upon completion of the current back...
The flow for the skin tool is very awkward if you want to use it in a new layer. You have to: Click the skin color to select it Create masked layer from selection Select the new layer Choose the color again which probably doesn't match the color y...
I want to convert existing adjustment layers to dynamic masking layers (subject, background, people masking). For people masking I want to choose which masks. Mouse over an adjustment layer, right-click, convert to > Subject, Background, People...
Wow - AI masking is great but How about AI Healing ? -Adding AI to the healing brush would also speed up workflow (computer CPU/GPU permitting - that said retouch4me works offline and on my 2015 Macbook is a little bit slow) - AI healing everythin...
I noticed a new, strange and confusing phenomenon while trying to permanently delete an image (command/shift/delete): So you enter the key combination and then, in the library, the active / highlight marker (white line around the image) goes to th...
Catalog: I would like to request a feature that allows me to close all subfolders with a single click.For example, when the root folder is open and contains the folders "Image2022," "Image2023," "Image2024," and additional subfolders, I would like...
What problem do you see this solving? Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One. Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it. I have my camera set to shoot in both RAW & JP...