In addition to the current options (can view, can view & comment, etc.) it'd be nice to have an option for only comments, only rate, only color tag, etc. Sometimes I only want to give the client an option to 1 ⭐️ photos for their favs but don'...
What problem do you see this solving? Describe the problem or issue you are having in Capture One. Think about what it is that you're trying to achieve, and the reason why you are trying to do it. There are a lot of situation wher you want to remo...
Search edited by date, and sort those picks ascending/descending.Sometimes when I go back to an old catalog and search for fotos photo I have taken.And have for exampel edit 3 clones, and don't remember wicth photo I actually picked but knowing th...
When using "subject" mask, have an option to create the mask only within the crop area. I am a bird photographer and often my "subject" can be a smaller part of a larger complex scene. By cropping (or selecting somehow) a smaller more precise area...
Auto Keystone - Make a Keyboard Shortcut available
I was a bit surprised to find that I couldn't trigger "Auto Keystone" for an image with a keyboard shortcut, and one cannot be assigned. I am aware that I can select and deselect Keystone from the "Apply Auto Adjustments" menu, but that's already ...
AI Crop should support Person cropping much better
THis feature is in specific to cutout the heads of a number of people. AI Crop should be capable that all people have the SAME headsize. Actually the majority has the eyes at the same level which is not sufficient. This is not only for school phot...
What problem do you see this solving? While Capture One's Dust Removal tool is useful, it doesn't remove every kind of spot, fleck or blemish, and it's still necessary to check everything manually by zooming in to at least 100% and going over ever...
The global "copy/apply" currently only copies something when truly an adjustment was made (and it's called "adjustment clipboard"). However, sometimes people may like to sync all settings including eg White Balance as the camera may have changed W...