You have the feature where we can correct verticals / horizontals by lining up a line with two circles on anything we want to correct the geometry on. It's great, but those lines / circles are so feint that it can be hard to find the darn things o...
What problem do you see this solving? I wish it was possible to organize styles in tofolders. I uses different style for different photo session and style. My styles list is very hard tonavigate because of theamount soI there wasanability to organ...
Separate camera controls from live view and better controls
At the moment when using live view on a camera, the viewer and controls are in the same window. This opposes a big challenge when you’re digitech station is in one location in the studio, and you want to have the viewer on the monitor next to the ...
Please, please, please add 'Frequency Seperation' for doing skin toning and detailing like what Photoshop has as there is no way in Capture One to do Frequency Seperation to edit blemishes on skin without affecting the texture of the skin. And Ple...
Categorise/filter/group by face (expansion of Face Focus)
Face Focus is really handy! But when importing images, if I could hit Cmd + A and get a summary of all the faces in my images and be able to create albums based on face, or even personality. I'm sure somebody who is tasked with archival on a more ...
expand IA tools like "subject" and "background" to create and copy-paste layers for buildings, trees and sky
AI Brush is a powerful tool, but when I use it on a set of landscape pictures, I would like to be able to automatically select, for example, "buildings" or "trees" or even "sky", and then apply the same treatement to several pictures