The main task I would use the mobile app for is travel photography. For example after a hike I would like to import my photos from my camera and add a caption and a description to the IPTC section of some of the pictures so that I remember what I ...
What problem do you see this solving? - Slower speed compared to other programs, even though the results are often better Have a progress bar during the "generating preview", or some other way to reassure the user that it's working on it An animat...
Allow Option to Overwrite/Skip Files when Exporting Originals
What problem do you see this solving? The Export Originals function does not give the option to Overwrite or Skip Existing Files. It defaults to adding a suffix to the name of existing files. The option to Overwrite/Skip was added to the other Exp...
I loved the frame averaging function in the IQ4-150, but sold the system about a year ago. I can do frame averaging via Photoshop, but then I lose all of C1's editing options. If I could do the frame averaging inside of C1, like we can do with sti...
I want to display original shooting date and time on the labels row in viewer. Labels could be further customised, other options could be Camera, Lens, Exposure compensation, Flash mode
Which device are you using? iPad Pro 12.9 What problem do you see this solving? better mobile editing I would love to see the following features implemented into Capture One iPad soon: tonal value adjustment, color balance, color curves. When was ...
Lens support for Tamron 17-28 mm f/2.8 Di III RXD for Sony E
What problem do you see this solving? Correction for a popular lens: Tamron 17-28 f/2.8 Di III RXD for Sony E-mount When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? Today, as I just bought this lens.
What problem do you see this solving? If I am shooting on location but not tethered to the iPad and then, subsequently, want to import the images from my Canon camera into Capture One iPad to cull and make some first stage edits, at the moment I c...
Subject / Background mask creation: warning dialog if Edit All Selected is off
What problem do you see this solving? If I have many images selected in the thumbnail browser and the option "edit all selected" is disabled, then a click on subject or background mask should show me a warning message/question dialog (as is the ca...
Indicate folder containing applied styles/presets (Styles and Presets tool)
What problem do you see this solving? Currently, when a style/preset has been applied to an image there's no indication which folder (in the Styles and Presets tool) contains the applied style/preset. This means that if you want to locate applied ...