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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 20, 2023

Book Module

Good afternoon: Has C1 considered incorporating a Book Module into C1 Pro? I routinely produce Books of my images and this is the only reason I am staying with Adobe Lightroom. Lr works with Blurb in the Book Module.

If C1 had a Book Module, I could finally make a full break from the Adobe eco-system once and for all. I acknowledge that I would submit my images to Blurb via their 3rd party software or Word Press but this is a pain.

Regards, Keith Pinn

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 21, 2023

    Nope, employees are marked as such, even moderators are not.

    So you accept only the exact copy as the least resolution of this request?

  • Guest
    Nov 21, 2023

    Hi Marcin: Thanks for your response and interest in my suggestion.

    Curious, are you an employee of Capture One Pro?

    Here is a YouTube outlining the functionality of the LR Book Module.




  • Guest
    Nov 21, 2023

    Hi Walter: Thanks for your response and suggestion.

    I have reached out to Blurb to see if they have or could consider developing a C1 PlugIn to accomplish this task.  I feel that if this could be possible, it would be another valued featured that C1 would have to encourage LR users to make the switch.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 20, 2023

    Can you please describe, what is this feature? What are the minimal capabilities that would make it useful to you?

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 20, 2023

    Perhaps you could encourage Blurb to write a Capture One plugin.