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Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Michael Cox
Created on Apr 6, 2024

crop aspect ratio rotation

In Adobe LR if you choose a standard aspect ratio for a crop, say 5x4 on a horizontally composed image, and then decide to change the crop to vertical (portrait ratio) you can click the X key and the crop will change from 5x4 to 4x5. There doesn't seem to be any way to do this in C1Pro, other than creating a new set of predetermined crop aspects so that you'd have a list twice as long, where each crop has the horizontal and vertical choices. Why not add a command option that would allow fast change from landscape to portrait mode in any of the predefined crop ratios (other than 1:1 of course)?

Current workaround

The only workaround is to change the aspect ratio to "unconstrained", stretch or compress one side of the crop to alter it from portrait to landscape or vice versa, then go back to the dropdown menu to choose the preset ratio (ie: from 4x5 to 5x4). In the attached screenshots, using Adobe LR, a single click of the X key while in the crop mode alters the orientation of the crop marks (not the picture).

  • Den Denyer
    Aug 1, 2024

    Thankyou for the implementation Devs!

  • Quentin Décaillet
    Apr 19, 2024

    This would be great, especially when working on a large series of images and needing to crop them in multiple formats, both vertical and horizontal. Currently, it requires a lot of manual work and check that could easily be avoided by this simple feature.

  • Hubert Nowotny
    Apr 18, 2024

    In landscape mode: Within the crop tool, just pick a corner and move it, such as you wanted to show a portrait format – the crop will eventually swith to portrait. And vice versa.