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GUIDES/OVERLAYS of Aspect Ratios

Would like to be able to visualize multiple aspect ratios displayed on the screen.

Not sure if this would have to be a rework of the OVERLAY tool or GUIDES, but you're current AI cropping code could make this even more powerful.

Let's say you're shooting horizontally on a tripod and you want to make sure you're image that may default to 3:2 will work as a 9:16 as well as 4:5 and possible a 2:1 banner. Clients often ask if an image will work in various aspects and its very difficult for photographer to be able to frame things this way. If we could in Live View or even as images are coming in be able to see these aspects and we can move them each around independently and resize them it would be hugely beneficial. If, for example, there was a way to lock different sets of guides at a fixed ratio and set those to a certain color/thickness, this would fix this. If it could leverage the AI Cropping code to maintain certain "crops" on the subject it would be even more powerful and not require this to tripod-only shooting. If we could then potentially have an export option "Ignore Crop / Respect Crop / Guide 9:16 / Guide 4:5 / Custom Guide 2.39:1 / etc..." This would allow us to automate various crops of the that image to different folders. I don't want to call this Cropping really because the crop tool is a very different tool and it makes sense for that to remain a linear and singular instrument (hard cropping vs soft cropping?). This seems to me more like a rethinking of guides to do what is in the video space called overlays that are often build into those monitors - but since we're already using the OVERLAY tool in a different way, again I think that GUIDES is where this is best suited. The key is here is to have the freedom to move (and AI track?) the various aspects independantly.

Current workaround

Currently we have to stop shooting, then try the various crop on the selected image to see if and how we could potentially make it work. Quite often we need a little bit more headrooom or space on a side, but since we can't see it while we're shooting there's a huge delay in stopping and trying the different crops before we have the feedback. Another option is to create a transparent PNG overlay w/ the various aspect ratios but this does not allow for dynamic repositioning and would only apply to a very specific composition.