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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Aaron Lee
Created on May 28, 2024

Clone Variant - custom naming idea!

Currently, when you use "Clone Variant," it adds a confusing space 1 or space 2 after your file name if you export all the variants. For me, I do a lot of custom cropping on a headshot if someone wants a tighter crop or even a full body. I use Clone Variant. The feature I am trying to implement is Custom Naming of the cloned variants. As it is it would label HEADSHOT_01.jpeg and the clone HEADSHOT_01 1.jpeg. This is just confusing to my clients - with the new custom naming, I want the variants labeled as somthing like HEADSHOT_01_v2.jpeg or maybe HEADSHOT_01b.jpeg. even which makes much more sense.

Current workaround

The work around as you have a folder of images labeled FILE_01 1 and FILE_01 2. I have to select the jpegs one by one and rename it to FILE_01_v1 and FILE_01_v2.

  • Wolfgang Stoiber
    May 29, 2024

    If I understand your request correctly, this is already possible.

    You just have to use "naming tokens" in your export recipe. In this case it would be "position of variant" or what it is called in english. see my screenshot, how I set it up:

    My naming string is: <token "image name"> v<token position of variant> which gives me: "Image4321 v2.jpg" for the second variant of an image called "Image4321.cr2"

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