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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by A Strauss
Created on Jul 10, 2024

It is a pity that the layers with masks cannot be exported as PSD files. Especially now that AI masks in Capture ONE would be a great help to continue working with them in Photoshop. I think that many other photographers and image editors would like to use this function more often if it were possible.

It is a pity that the layers with masks cannot be exported as PSD files.
Especially now that AI masks in Capture ONE would be a great help to continue working with them in Photoshop.
I think that many other photographers and image editors would like to use this function more often if it were possible.

Current workaround

It is a pity that the layers with masks cannot be exported as PSD files.
Especially now that AI masks in Capture ONE would be a great help to continue working with them in Photoshop.
I think that many other photographers and image editors would like to use this function more often if it were possible.

  • Dickon Whitehead
    Sep 4, 2024

    I use Affinity as my photoshop replacement but would also find the abilty to export layers in PSD files very useful especially if the mask could be kept intact!