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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Live
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Aug 8, 2024

Capture one Live - Auto share new Favourite Albums, and update live.

During ecom and headshot tether sessions, individual capture folders are made (and added to favourites) for each look / subject. Capture folder is then shared online, and the online gallery link copied, pasted into a google sheets document that the client then accesses, so the client can do live selects. It's very clunky and results at times in upwards of 150 individual links on a days shoot. Currently, we can share all favourites, which is great, but only works if the client needs to make selects after the shoot. Ideally, we would be able to have an option to 'Share favourites' and have it populate any new favourited folders (in this case, any new capture folder) and have it automatically updat eon the clients browser... Perhaps with a refresh of the page? Something that career Digi-Tech's have been hoping for and discussing for a while.

Current workaround

No. When on large shoots I use a macro pad which is set up with activating scripts and keystrokes. Current workflow is as follows; select item code on google sheets document, press "Button 1" (copy text to clip board) - Press "Button 2" (Creates new capture folder, pastes clipboard as folder name, adds to favourites and resets capture counter to 001) - Click cursor on newly created capture folder, click "share online", click "share and manage access", select "can rate, tag and comment", click "copy share link", paste link in google sheets document for client, close share online dialogue box.

  • Evi Kefallinou (CO)
    Aug 9, 2024

    Hello and thanks for the feedback! Have you considered creating the Favorites before the photoshoot so that you can share all favorites with one link? As the product manager of Capture One Live, I'd love to learn more about your workflow. If you feel like it, drop me an email here and we can set it up.