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Improve Capture One

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Cull by image "status" e.g. out of focus, over-exposed – improve culling

When culling (deleting, sorting, selecting images) it would be really cool if there was a way to filter by "out of focus" and "over-exposed" just as an example – could be built upon further.

Maybe the paramaters could be user-defined or in a way "smart" in that you could have a method of detecting the usability of an image (at least from a commercial perspective) when importing – similar to how grouping works perhaps? Basically a smart way to detect unusable/test images without taking up time and disk space (both are money!)

Adjusting the "level" or "threshold" of the usability could be adjusted by the user, similar to how "similarity" works in the Group Overview.

Current workaround

Using Cmd + Backspace to move images to catalog trash after importing all images. Not really a a workaround but just a workflow.