Improve filter by rating : allowing selection of multiple ratings
In a session, I rate my photos from none to 5 stars. for some uses (e.g. exports for a book or website) I would like to select all photos with ratings of 3 or more.
Current workaround
I can't find a good workaround, except temporarily switching all the photos I want to 5 stars.
Hi Sylvain, this is something you can already do by cmd-clicking on Mac, or ctrl-clicking on Windows, this allows you to select multiple entries at the same time.
Thanks! I could not find the info so I assumed it had been overlooked. Didn't think about trying the ctrl-click though, sorry !
Hi Sylvain, this is something you can already do by cmd-clicking on Mac, or ctrl-clicking on Windows, this allows you to select multiple entries at the same time.