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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Richard Huggins
Created on Nov 16, 2023

Combine masks

I'd like to be able to combine masks. In particular apply a gradient to the background mask. I do this often in Affinity Photo (but they don't have AI masks for background selection so its a little tedious). Be nice to be able to do it all in C1.

  • Guest
    Nov 17, 2023

    Improve Capture One Pro, Improve Capture One mobile and Request Camera Support all have a sticky where we explain how to limit the search scope.

  • John Friend
    Nov 17, 2023


    I have nothing against putting it in a pinned post, but I'd be concerned about who actually reads pinned posts in a forum you don't generally visit as I assume this would be pinned somewhere other than the regular product forums?  I generally just look at the newest posts across all forums and would thus never see such a pinned post.

    What would make more sense is making this enhanced search UI a bit more obvious/discoverable when your window isn't wide.  Even just tweaking the colors of the current implementation (so it isn't black-on-black) could go a long way to making it more obvious.  Perhaps add a heading to the two drop-downs that labels them as "Enhanced Search Options" or something like that?  Or some actual UI person would probably have a good UI tweak suggestion within minutes of looking at that page.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 17, 2023

    If the window is too narrow to have that left pane, the buttons are moved to the top as collapsible lists, so all is visible are dark-gray bars titled "Type" and "By Topic". Supplementing for anyone else that missed these almost "black on black" features.

    368108974477 we could hope for that... the pinned posts are not visited as frequently as we would hope for, lol. Maybe instruction should be a bit more verbose:

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 17, 2023

    11057524292637, 388511716758

    The above post should get its own pinned post on how to search for existing topics related to an improvement idea.

  • John Friend
    Nov 17, 2023


    That's a cool feature.  Didn't know that was there because you have to have a wider window width than I normally browse with to see that left column.  Thanks - that is useful.  I'll now update my post with the additional posts I've round related to that topic.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 17, 2023

    381975022417, I have updated my previous post to indicate that I mean buttons appearing to the side of the search results, not in a random place. And that's it, as shown on the screen below.

  • John Friend
    Nov 17, 2023


    Are you suggesting there's a way to search just the Capture One Improvement posts here on this site?  I don't see how to do that. 

    It's off no use for me to just browse the entire list of Capture One Improvement posts as that's far too inefficient (needle in a haystack).  The leading result I eventually found with Google was posted two years ago.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 17, 2023


    The forum search is pretty bad.  I couldn't find anything with that either because it just swamps you with tutorial posts about layers and doesn't seem to be able to limit your search to community posts or feature requests.

    After sending search term there is a Community button on the left of the results though; after clicking it the list of Topics is expanded and it gives a chance to narrow down to Improvements.

  • Richard Huggins
    Nov 17, 2023

    Combining Luma Range with the Background mask and judicious use of the brushes and erasers sometimes helps. 

  • John Friend
    Nov 17, 2023

    For what it's worth, the new AI masking tool does let you add to or remove from an existing rasterized mask.  It still doesn't let you combine a parametric mask with any other mask which is still a feature that is needed, would be greatly appreciated and Lightroom already has.  But if, for example, you want a gradient from the top combined with a gradient from the left, you just can't do that in Capture One.

  • John Friend
    Nov 17, 2023

    The forum search is pretty bad.  I couldn't find anything with that either because it just swamps you with tutorial posts about layers and doesn't seem to be able to limit your search to community posts or feature requests.  I found these links with Google search and point Google to  only search

  • Richard Huggins
    Nov 16, 2023

    Oh well Guess I keep bouncing tiffs around. 

    Couldn't see anything when I searched. Must have used the wrong terms.

  • +2