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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 15, 2023

Option to preselect images in import dialog

What problem do you see this solving?

Import dialog remember selected images from previous import. When I have more photoshoot on the card and need to sort the images to different sessions. So when I create new session open import dialog I have preselected images from previous session.

From my point of view and the most universal solution can be this. In Settings will be option like (Default image selection during import) and have 3 options:

- Last imported (current behavior for better compatibility can be default option)

- All (Automatically select all image on card - very usefull for using with catalogs or the people who have like 1 card to 1 shoot or something like this)

- None (Always when the import dialog will be open no image will be selected - best for people like me, which have more shooting on card and always want select images manually)

Best Regards, PetrH

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Yestarday. I always get angry when importing to C1 (3-4 times per week)

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I always have to wait for all images from the card are loaded. After this select Pick all and wait like minute to all images being selected and after this I uncheck Pick All and wait another minute to get all deselect. After this I can start find images which I want to import and select their.

  • Ian Wilson
    Nov 15, 2023

    That sounds as though you needed to make sure that the option to copy adjustments from the last capture is turned off.


  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 15, 2023

    I would rather avoid adjustments during session, there is no time for that haha - recently I have auto-leveled one photo during a break and then it was infuriating to see all photos heavily slanted as they appeared and it took me hours to diagnose non-zero value in Angle...

  • Guest
    Nov 15, 2023

    11057524292637 You will see any photo which you move to the folder, but there is not working option to apply adjustments from previous photo automatically.


  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 15, 2023

    369260519517, are you telling me that there is no necessity to use appallingly slow tethering (70MB/s on A7RV!!!), which blocks buffer, and instead I could try shooting with MassStorage connection and a tool copying files to Capture folder with renaming on-the-fly included for that 220MB/s "boost mode" and a lot faster buffer clearout, using remaining capabilities of CFexpress?

    (There is no Hot Folder in sessions, so no idea how that feature works, even though I see it mentioned frequently.)

  • BeO O
    Nov 15, 2023

    If you can distinsguish the images by date, or time, then using Finder/Explorer to copy your images from the card to your sessions Capture folders would also be a possibility. There is no need to import images into a session.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Nov 15, 2023

    Another option would be to create new folders in-camera after each import and then import only that new folder (changing source).

  • Guest
    Nov 15, 2023

    Hello Ian,

    thanks for quick reply. It isn't exception to make more different shoots in same day:( The second things which little complicate things is that my camera use different folders for different shooting modes. So import dialog show picture from one shoot in different time. Sorting by date helps, but it mess the selecting:(

    I can try your hack with importing to one folder and manually move files to different capture folder of another session.





  • Ian Wilson
    Nov 15, 2023

    A few suggestions, for now.

    You can use the Filters tool in the Import window to show only the images from a particular date or dates.

    There is an Exclude Duplicates feature in the import window, but

    • it only works to exclude images that are already in the same session, and
    • it slow things down terribly anyway.

    If what you mean is that you have several images from the same date that you want to go into different sessions, you could start by importing them all into one session, then dragging them from there to the appropriate folder (presumably Capture) in other sessions. It might be quicker than fiddling around with the import window several times.

    It is always slower if you leave images that have already been imported on the card. You could consider clearing the card when you have imported images and have them backed up. Or you could consider using a separate card for each shoot, and format and reuse them once images have been imported and backed up.

    On your suggested options, I'm not sure that your first one would work. I don't think Capture One can detect whether the images have been imported before already unless it compares them with existing images in the same session (or the same catalog). It doesn't tag them in any way on the card, and all it can do is compare the images on the card with what's already in the session, so it wouldn't work if you had imported them into different sessions.



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