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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 3, 2023

AI Keywording

AI engine reeds the (batch) images on all type of attributes in the image and automatically find the keywords for the particular image(s), which still can be tweaked afterwards.

Similar to competition is offering today like ON1 Photo Keyword AI. The benefit to have AI doing these type of jobs is that it will speed up massively the day-to-day workflow.

  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 3, 2023

    This might be a good candidate for a third-party plugin that sends a small rendered proxy to an online service that replies with suggested keywords. The service would have to be trusted to not siphon off and store images sent to it and to disclose whether the images sent to it were being used to further train its models.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Nov 3, 2023

    Considering the limited resources of Capture One (the company), not to mention their lack of interest in anything that has to do with metadata, I doubt something like this will be given much priority. 

  • +2