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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 25, 2023

Speed editor - Printer lights (see Davinci Resolve function)

What problem do you see this solving?

It would be a quick, easy, manual way to adjust color and exposure in the Speed editor. As acolorist, it's a familiar way of makinglinear offset adjustments. I like how printer light adjustment are abrupt and not smooth like that of a slider. It makes it easier to see if your adjustment is good or not, much like viewing filters for analog color printing. You can achieve the same affect in Capture One, by typing the number value of your correction, and hit enter. But that's not very efficient. For exposure changes, a lot of times I highlight the number value, and use arrows to adjust exposure and 1/10 of a stop increments.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I miss it every time I go from grading film to grading still images in Capture One.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Not really, I use the color and exposure tools available. Just one partthat I really miss from DaVinci Resolve. I have been doing some color grading of still images in DaVinci Resolve, but the workflow for still images it's not very efficient.

  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2023


    I would love to send you additional information, but its nothing I can post in a public forum...

  • Wolfgang Stoiber
    Oct 25, 2023

    Would you mind posting a screenshot to illustrate this feature?

    (I use DaVinci Resolve occasionally, but I am not so deep into colour grading to use printer lights yet.)

  • +1