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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 11, 2023

Focus stacking interface for Phase One XF IQ4

Hello, I'm a professional photographer and I work a lot with focus stacking forjewelry. I shoot with a Phase One IQ4 150mp. What I'm suggesting here is not a problem with the capture one but is a missing tool for using with the PhaseOne XF body.

What problem do you see this solving?

I will describe myworkflow, I set my XF camera for focusstacking, open live view on capture one, focus in the near point, go to the camera andclick the first botton,back to the capture one and focus the far focus point, go to the camera againand click the secondBotton and then I can take the shot. When you have the camera high on afoba stand go and back isveryannoying, especially when you takehundreds of photoslike that per week. I imagine a dedicated tool on capture one where I can focus andchoose the near and far focus point and take the shot without the need to touch the camera.

Best regards,

César Oliveira

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I never found that functionality on capture one.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I need to do it manually, but since this is the native software of a 50Kcamera I think this tool is very needed.

  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2023

    Hello Phase one,

    Could you come back to César Oliveira, I'm really interested in the same feature. I used to face the same issues when processing focus stacking.

    Thanks for your comment César.


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