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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Use GPU to calculate initial previews

What problem do you see this solving?

When importing images, previews are calculated.

Although hardware acceleration is set to auto, for those previews GPU is NOT used.

As imported images are not usable as long as preview is not calculated, this make lose a lot of time.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every time I import images

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?


  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2023

    As previews are not using GPU, it takes the whole CPU : that is the purpose of this request : using the GPU to calculate previews.

    Not using the GPU impairs the whole system AND C1 reactivity. Moreover preview calculating is not stoppable, thus ... system impairing is not stoppable.

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2023

    The previews are calculated in the Background.

    There is no reason to sit and wait on it to finish.
    Just work normally.

    And it's using scheduling so if you click a image that don't have a preview yet it will be prioritised to get one as the next

    So just work normally. Close the dialog if it helps you

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2023

    Without GPU.

    Nothing more to say...

  • Den Denyer
    Jun 30, 2023

    I could swear that in C1 v 13/14 it didn't do anything upfront, so you could use the program immediately, and it would background calculate the previews , along with doing the image you clicked on when you clicked on it. Now the CPU gobbling process hangs the whole application while it precomputes things. Feels Lightroomish :(