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Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 23, 2023

Possibility to save luma range masks / filled masks in custom styles

What problem do you see this solving?

I am happy to see that you added the possibility to save also layers in custom style presets. But what is this functionality good for if you can not save all edits and masks which have been done to those layers? I have some very complex workflows which make use of several layers with luma range masks and/or filled masks applied. But these settings are not saved when creating a custom preset. This is so disappointing and renders custom presets with layers completely useless for me!

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every day! I need to apply all luma ranges manually after applying my custom preset. And yes I am on windows and therefore do not have scripting possibilities like on a Mac.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

There is no workaround. Luma ranges / filled masks are not saved in custom presets rendering presets useless for me. I need to apply them every time manually. Very frustrating for a program which costs so much.

  • Joeri Peeters
    Nov 21, 2023

    Expand the selection to saved masks in a PSD file so I can use these masks in Photoshop too.

  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 1, 2023

    14545460217245 Mary, hi.  I think you'll find this your issue is identical to the one here and is not confined solely to Luma Range marks.  You might consider adding your comment to that thread.  Fingers crossed we get a fix soon.

  • Guest
    Nov 1, 2023

    As a CO user I experienced a bug when copying a layer with a luma range applied to it between images. If I copy a layer which has a luma range applied to it from a portrait image to a landscape image by using the "Copy and Apply Adjustments" option or by "Copy Adjustments from the Primary Variant" + "Apply Adjustments to all Selected Variants" options, the new layer on the landscape image has also a portrait format and does not affect the whole landscape image. There is no way to fix this without deleting the whole mask.

  • Guest
    Oct 26, 2023

    I'm really disappointed and angry. Sorry, but how can such essential things take more than 1 month to implement?! But on the other side I should now buy a complete new license for AI masking? What is AI masking and all that stuff good for when I can not save everything into a preset? Should I apply my preset and then do the luma masking etc. every time for every image by hand? Are you living behind the moon? Get back to reality! Ignoring your customer feedback is the worst you can do. But in my opinion you have already dug your own grave with your license policy.

    For the price of one license I will rather buy 2-3 years of a consecutive Adobe Lightroom+Photoshop Abo. They think till the end and do not do half-cooked things.


  • Laurie Brett
    Oct 13, 2023

    Sebastian - thank you, but it appears to affect the whole image not just the edges, and there's little control over the type of sharpening / micro contrast etc. just a single slider - unless I've missed something?

  • Sebastian Reiprich
    Oct 13, 2023

    Although I generally support this feature request, couldn’t you just use the lens correction tool for sharpening the edges of your images?

  • Alexander Flemming
    Oct 11, 2023

    Hi all,

    Thank you for the post, comments, and votes! We are actively looking into this.

    Update: This is now included in Capture One 16.3.4 released on January 18th.


  • Laurie Brett
    Oct 1, 2023

    Oh Yes Please, this would be a terrific benefit!  For example I want to save a sharpening mask for the edges of a particular lens, I create a kind of vignette mask and apply sharpening just to the edges of an image. I would be able to use the same mask on all the images I shot with that lens / aperture.



  • Guest
    Sep 12, 2023

    For me too, having mask in presets would be so useful !! 

  • Guest
    Aug 30, 2023

    I'm also eagerly waiting for this. In my eyes this is a must have - as soon as possible.

  • Guest
    Jul 21, 2023

    We are very disappointed that two months have passed since this request for improvement was submitted and there is still no sign of improvement.

    Why can't I include a luminance range when saving a custom style?
    I am forced to work very inefficiently because I can't include a luminance range when saving a custom style, even though I can make great use of layers to develop the image.

    I would really like to see improvements because the efficiency and quality would increase dramatically if they were improved.

  • Guest
    Jul 9, 2023

    I also fully support the feature request and emphasize it's importance.

  • Guest
    Jun 26, 2023

    I absolutely agree on this! Good to see it logged. Hopefully this will be implemented soon, because it is such an essential feature to be able to create presets which cover all edit functions. And this especially holds true for all layer functions like masks etc.

  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2023

    So important to have and even more important when "select subject" masking becomes available on c1. We need to be able to have presets/styles that include any type of mask. Whether its luma, filled, or AI types of masks. Imagine making a preset with select subject masks that makes the subject "pop". We would create subject selection as layer one that does some exposure and contrast adjustments (and be namable (ie "subject"). Then we would have an inverted mask for background that would decrease exposure a touch, saturation a touch, and a little contrast decrease and have that saved as a style that automatically detects and creates the layers on each variant we want to do that on. UGH! The life we would live! 

  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2023

    I also fully support this feature request. Such a feature would make my life A LOT easier.

  • Guest
    Jun 21, 2023

    I've been having the exact same issue and it costs me HOURS of extra work per week. I need to adjust all of my luma range layers when I paste them onto another photo. So time consuming. Please fix this!

  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2023

    Today I stumbled upon the exact same issue and saw that this feature request already exists. So I will join this one and vote +1.

    Regarding my usecase:

    I bought some really cool film emulation presets for CO from digistock. Beside of many basic variation settings which can be mixed to the own taste, they also provide for each film emulation some cool halation effects, which need to be applied by using a luminosity mask. Due to the fact that Capture One does not currently save luminosity mask settings of layers in user presets, I am not able to include all settings in my user preset. So, when I am applying my own user preset to 100 images, I have to create 100 luminosity masks by hand in order to include the halation effects. This is absolutely not the way things should be. A preset in my opinion should be able to save "every" setting, the user has made.


  • Guest
    Jun 3, 2023

    What I don’t understand... why not implement it right from the start? I clearly see the benefit of it.

  • Guest
    May 31, 2023

    Brilliant Idea !

    +1 from my side

  • Guest
    May 30, 2023

    First of all, sorry for my bad English, I am from the Netherlands, but I hope it is still ok so you can understand me. Like the topic starter I also spend so much time fiddling around with those luminosity masks at layers. Having the ability to save these settings in presets would be absolutely awesome! I wondered why this hasn't been realized earlier.

    So, also from my side a big +1 for this request. And I am really looking forward and hoping for a possible integration into C1.

    Best regards,


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