Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
Capture One does not yet support Fujifilm Film Simulations for the X-A3, as it does for other Fujifilm X series camera bodies.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
It is a constant and ongoing lack as the X-A3 is still in use as my backup body, as well as when editing my large library of photos taken with this body.
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? I have found no workaround that is similar to Film Simulations. Curves helps but it is not the same as a 3D LUT. |
As I recall from some years ago when the Fuji relationship started and the film simulations were introduced, Fuji made the calls about which of their cameras were to be supported. Not all of them were at the time, even if the camera supported some simulations.
I'm not a Fuji user so the details of exactly which cameras are in and which are not are unknown, though they were listed as the time and it may still be possible to find the information by searching.
I remember getting the impression that lower-specification models and models already at end-of-life seemed to miss out but whether that was for technical or marketing reasons I have no idea.
Here you are.
Fujifilm Film Simulations - Capture One
The camera you are asking for was first supported in C1 V10.
Film Simulation was introduced in C1 V12.
So for the Simulation facility to be unavailable seems to have been a specific decision taken by Fuji at the time.
I'm looking for these simulations for my XA-3 too; there doesn't seem to be a coherent response here? The simulations are available in camera to process RAW to jpegs but their equivalents not available in editors —or, have I (we) missed something and they're only / even available in Fuji's own editor?
Someone please take another look at this.
Christian Grüner:
I believe you have marked my request incorrectly, believing that I had asked for something that I have not. Would you please give this another look?
I am only asking for the Film Simulations that ARE supported by the X-A3 camera itself. These are:
Please add these.
Hi Paul,
We can only support the Filmsimulations that are supported by the camera itself. As such, we don't have plans to support Filmsimulations from other models on the X-A3.