In addition to the current options (can view, can view & comment, etc.) it'd be nice to have an option for only comments, only rate, only color tag, etc. Sometimes I only want to give the client an option to 1 ⭐️ photos for their favs but don'...
Exporting an image to another editing app such as TopazAI (eg, for sharpening), one has the choice of export format, which is then created within Capture One. And then after external editing, if you choose "save to original folder" the only way to...
Adding Bearing to and From for GPS Data in the Metadata field
GPS Metadata request: Please add a GPS field for Bearing to and from in the GPS metadata that is included with drones. Clients are requesting bearing information for files and DJI supports this data. It would be nice be able to add bearing informa...
Currently, DJI mini 3 pro dng files show a radial colour shift that is not present in some other raw software. Please correct this as Capture One is a great program!
What problem do you see this solving? Magic brush and eraser are sometimes a bit too unprecise. Please see below for suggested improvements. My suggestions: I find the magic brush and eraser fairly good but in some pictures, when there are similar...
What problem do you see this solving? Along side with sessions which I use for pro work, I have a big catalogue (15 Gb).for all my private and own projects. It's big and old (was imported from Lr!). Trying to backup that catalogue takes about one ...
AI engine reeds the (batch) images on all type of attributes in the image and automatically find the keywords for the particular image(s), which still can be tweaked afterwards. Similar to competition is offering today like ON1 Photo Keyword AI. T...
I would like to ask when Capture One will tethering support for Panasonic Lumix S1r? I'm a Capture One user since 2005 using phase one. In 2019 I switched to the lumix S1r and I feel sad that I don't have the connection of my camera with capture o...