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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Cameras
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 26, 2024

Sony ILX-LR1

No description provided
  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2024

    Hey Jack,

    Thank you for the quick response.

    If it helps, my understanding is that the ILX-LR1 is a stripped down version of the Sony A7R V5. I had hoped that since it theoretically shares the same sensor, my imagery would work in Capture One.

    I am hopeful file support will make its way into C1 down the road. Thanks again for your help.

  • Jack Williams
    Feb 27, 2024

    Thanks for the reply 17129314633117 

    If the sensor shares similar properties to a more mainstream camera, then it's a possibility we could implement file support. I will of course leave your request where it is and who knows, if implementation is simple enough, it could certainly make its way in at some point.

    Thanks again for the request and for letting me know the use case in this scenario :) 

  • Guest
    Feb 26, 2024

    Hello Jack,

    I utilize this camera in combination with a UAV/Drone to capture imagery that is later used in photogrammetry. I have always used Capture One (for Sony) with my RX1RII and A5100 to process the ARW files. The ARW 4.0 files from the ILX-LR1 are not recognized in my version of Capture One, or the latest version of Capture One Pro I trialed.

    I am hoping to simply open the ARW 4.0 files from the ILX-LR1 in Capture One, apply edits to the imagery, and export the images into a .JPG format. Capture One has always done a superior job to other programs I have used, and I had hoped to be able to continue to use the software in my workflow.


  • Jack Williams
    Feb 26, 2024

    The likelihood of us implementing support for a camera like this is extremely low. Out of interest, what are you using this camera for and how would you expect Capture One to interact with it?