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Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 9, 2021

Color Calibration tool equivalent to Lightroom

As illustrated in these two videos, Lightroom has a very powerful Color Calibration tool that globally affects colors (akin to "color science"). It seems like a very useful tool that would be great to have in Capture One as well, since C1 has a big focus on it's color capabilities.

Pat Kay: How The Lightroom Calibration Tool REALLY Works (And How It Will Change Your Editing Forever) (the whole video is great, but you can see concrete examples around the 9-minute mark)

Jamie Windsor: Important COLOR TIPS for BETTER PHOTOS (see concrete examples around the 17-minute mark)

  • Stefan Kamer
    Jun 6, 2024

    This is probably one of the single biggest reasons holding back a lot of Lightroom users from switching to C1. Many many many existing presets and users that build their own presets rely on the Color Calibration tool in LR and there's no such feature in C1. If this feature is implemented, it would enable far more accurate replication of workflows and presets in LR into C1 which would make the transitions FAR more comfortable for the masses as they can very quickly pick up where they left off and enjoy all of the amazing things C1 has to offer together with that. Please please please bring this to C1. There's already the ability to use ICC profiles and to my understanding the Color Calibration tool is just effectively a live modification of the base selected ICC profile.

  • Den Denyer
    May 10, 2024

    Just bumped into this and was lost for a while. Found the old thread, came to find and vote on the new thread. It's a useful tool, that can't be replicated easily with the existing ones in a way that I can figure out!
    (For me it's not a question of camera calibration but normalising very very awful stage lighting, that often requires fairly gross shifts, and seems easier to do generically in the LR Calibration tool than on a per-image basis with say colour balance.)

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Feb 22, 2024


    Can't convert my presets from LR because of that (also I miss the Vibrance tool as well and many of my friends don't want to use C1 because of that)

  • Brian Jordan
    Jan 12, 2024

    10752482450333 Unfortunately, short comments with links get auto-modded.  There's nothing we can do to un-mod queue your comment.

    6132169615645 First up, mods here are volunteers.  We are not affiliated with Capture One.  Secondly, you're saying that because I volunteer time to keep spam off this board that I should not voice a negative opinion about a thread?

    Those calibration sliders in LR have always been a patch to help mitigate the ham-fisted way LR has manipulated color.  Capture One color tool allows far more control but, admittedly, does require more investment of time to learn to use.  It's easy for users to push a slider left and right and see something happen.  It's far more difficult to understand what's going on and **why**.  Constantly I see a correlation between YT posts and posts here.  Some YTers post some secret sauce and it makes its way here as next thing some Capture One users are incensed that Capture One doesn't offer.  It does.  LR has been chasing Capture One in color management since the beginning.  

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 12, 2024

    373279782958 - ah, got it thanks.


  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    What a rude comment especially from a moderator. The color calibration tool in lightroom isn't actually being used for profile calibration it's being used for creative effect. Yes you can easily use a color checker with capture one and I have one but that's not what's being discussed here. You can't manipulate the color profile inside c1 in real time and see the result like you can with the calibration tool in lightroom

  • Brian Jordan
    Jan 12, 2024

    I agree that Capture One needs a “tool” to make calibration easier but to say that one cannot calibrate in Capture One just screams lack of knowledge. There is a process to calibrate within Capture One which takes all of maybe 3 minutes. Having done it often, I can run a calibration in maybe 90 seconds.

    By all means, we should push for a more integrated tool but to claim that LR can do this and Capture One can’t is just wrong.

  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    None of the tools in capture one can do what the color calibration does. It manipulates the output of the individual color channels at the color profile level. I've tried to get the effect with the tools in c1 but it's just not possible.

  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    Ian, each of these posts starts with an initial post from the orginal poster. If you scroll up, you'll see links in the original post by Gustav. Just click the first link.

  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    This first link: @Ian Wilson

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 12, 2024

    373279782958 - thanks. But the first link where?


  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    Ian, the first link around 8-9 minutes explains it properly

    Danny Batista


  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 12, 2024

    What is the difference between using the calibration tool in LR and using the basic tab of the Colour Editor tool in Capture One?


  • Guest
    Jan 12, 2024

    10752482450333 Thanks for the link - and sure, these tools are all powerful ... but do exist in LR as well. However, I don't see any way to use these tools to attain the same result / impact as with the calibration tool (otherwise LR wouldn't have it, would it?). Or do I miss something? How would you use those to recreate it?

  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2024

    To help everyone looking for this, there's a really in-depth video from Capture One called "The Curves and Levels Masterclass" that shows how to achieve exactly this and in an even more controlled way than in LR:

    I know it's not as easy or intuitive as in LR, but once you get used to it, it becomes a really powerful tool.

  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2024

    Still want this. The crazy thing is we can go through the lengthly process of creating an icc profile, uploading, and trying to get workarounds for the icc profiles we create from other apps to link the styles we create in c1, when all we really need are a few sliders that let us calibrate the colors directly in the base characteristics section. It could be so simple.

  • Guest
    Jan 5, 2024

    And another +1 from me on this.

    Not having this powerful tool to boost color grading keeps me away from upgrading C1 and - even worse - forcing me to work with LR/C ... such a shame ...

  • Guest
    Dec 17, 2023

    Throwing my hat into the ring for this tool. There are some very specific looks you can get using this tool in LR that I haven't been able to replicate in C1. We really need an equivalent to this tool in C1. 

  • Guest
    Nov 5, 2023

    +1 for this tool. 

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    Hey Skott, I’ve actually never seen them mention this could be a thing for the future, over the past five years. Actually I’ve always heard them look down on adding such a feature. The crazy thing is, you can create a camera calibrated profile from Lightroom and apply/import it as a profile in base characteristics in c1. So it would be nice to just be able to have the sliders in c1 instead of going through all that trouble.

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calibration tool

please i wish capture one had calibration tool like lightroom does, it's the only reason i keep alternating between the two softwares i wanna settle for capture one, it would be THE perfect software if it had calibration tool, it's a real beast !
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Future consideration

Calibration tool (as in LRC)

What problem do you see this solving? Creative color grading is one of the most important aspects for photographers to develop a unique style. Every tool that helps to achieve this is highly appreciated by pro photographers. This color calibration...
Guest 8 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Future consideration