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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2019

Metadata for Person Shown in Image

I am setting up a tethered workflow for headshots, and would like to input each sitter's name throughout the day to save myself time figuring it out later. In the past I had done this using the IPTC "Person Shown in Image" field, but that is not available in Capture One, so far as I am aware. Does anyone know the proper metadata field for inputting the subject's name? I saw the Getty-specific "personality" field, but this requires me to alter the field later in Photo Mechanic. Alternately, is it possible to add my own metadata fields? ... on%20Shown

Thanks in advance for any advice on this!

  • Joachim Jundt
    Dec 3, 2023

    Good question. Looks like a job for a rename routine afterwards? At least the semicolon is there...

    Question is also, what happens with this "personality" tag if someone takes the trouble to identify large groups? I had the face ID feature Apple Aperture already 10 years ago, but I never used the name token to generate filenames. To me it was helpful to find people in my library. But for the tethered shooting task of then thread opener it's only one person/image.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 3, 2023

    369182181677 .. I wondered how [Person Name] would behave when there are multiple people named in the Getty Personality fields. Capture One concatenates them together with a semicolon separator. It would be nice if we could specify the separator.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Dec 3, 2023

    12483841340701 you're right. I also tried the search after I marked 4 images in the "personality" field. Like so very often, the search is rather useless in C1. But if you create an intelligent album and use the field "personality" there, it actually shows the images with the person in. Also, when exporting the RAWs and the personality field is edited correctly, you can create a filename like [date]-[filename]-[person-name]. This was a surprise to me.

    The handling is cumbersome, but at least there is a way.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 3, 2023

    The IPTC Extensions were updated in 2023. I don't think CO supports all of the current IPTC standards.

  • FirstName LastName
    Dec 3, 2023

    368108974477 thank you for sharing. Are any of these IPTC standard fields usable for tagging people in Capture One? I tried to search but was unable to find a match.

  • Joachim Jundt
    Dec 2, 2023

    Vincent says "I saw the Getty-specific "personality" field, but this requires me to alter the field later in Photo Mechanic."

    Why? This field can be used/edited in C1.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 2, 2023

    This page covers all things IPTC.

    I have moved this post to the Improve Capture One Pro topic area.


  • FirstName LastName
    Dec 2, 2023

    Thanks - I guess you could put people names in file name, or almost any metadata field as a workaround, but better option would be to allow use of Person shown field for the intended purpose. I use my filenames in another way so this is not a reasonable option for example

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Dec 1, 2023

    Link in the top post is dead.

    The workaround is to include that name in the filename.

  • FirstName LastName
    Dec 1, 2023

    +1 ... this would be very helpful, since Photo Mechanic, or other apps using facial recognition mostly use the Person Shown field.

  • Guest
    Feb 12, 2022

    I support the proposal form Vincent. I would be very helpful, when the standard field is usable. When I tag photos in other software (i.e. with GPS-data, Location names) they are taken by CaptureOne. But I know no other software using Getty-Fields for personal names.

  • +5