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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by BeO O
Created on Mar 9, 2024

Synchronize adjustments between catalog and Session (CaptureOne/Settings subfolders)

I have setup a hybrid catalog/session workflow.

I use the catalog only for searching/filtering, and a session to edit my images. Even years after capture date. Why? Because I want to have the CaptureOne/Settingsxxx subfolder beneath every original image folder, so that I can use a small C1 session for editing and because the adjustments are then stored decentralized.

Benefits of having the sync feature:

I could edit them in my catalog, if the requested function to syncronize the adjustments to the .cos and comask files would exist, and simply sync the edits to the cos/cosmask files. Maybe even with Auto-Sync...

Benefits of having the Settingsxxx folder in sync with catalog edits are:

- I have adjustments and metadata redundancy (in the catalog and as individual .cos files per image), individual files are a very good backup

- I trust the .cos files more than having all edits in a catalog database

- I can throw away my catalog (e.g. if it is corrupted and cannot be repaired) and reimport all my images 'including adjustments' with no loss since the last synchronization, because all data is in the .cos and .comask files.

- I can move or just remove parts of my image folder structure in a very secure (bug-free) to e.g. a long-term archive using file Explorer/Finder, and the important information travels in form of .cos and .comask files alongside each image.
A simple "remove folder from catalog" then cleans up the catalog just fine.

- C1 catalog and session based workflows are much better integrated than today

Current workaround

I have to search my images in the catalog (e.g. search all images across all years in my date based image folder structure, from 2015 till today, with keyword Jane Doe). To edit them, I need to drag&drop them to a session album. Later, to reimport the edits to the catalog, I have to remove them from the catalog and click Sync folder on the topmost folder of the edited images.