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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Dominik Lepka
Created on Mar 15, 2024

Deghosting & HDR Improvement

Will there be an improvement to the HDR merg tool in the near future? A deghosting option would be great!

At the moment the HDR merg tool is very limited. When merging several images (more than two) there are often problems like strong ghosting in overexposed areas. With moving water the tool is useless as there is no deghosting option.

I love capture one and have been working with it for several years... but I use more and more HDR recordings. This forces me to switch to other programs if there is no solution for this in the long term, I have to think about changing programs. I don't really want to do that because, as I said, I am very convinced of capture one!

Current workaround

1. if ghosting occurs in overexposed areas of the image, it sometimes helps to merge fewer images - instead of 5, for example, only 2

2. if i want to merge shots with water i don't even try it in capture one anymore because it doesn't work .... for this i switch to Lrc or PS.

If there is a plugin or another solution, I don't know about it.

  • Dominik Lepka
    May 19, 2024
    Does anyone know of a plugin for HDR merging that works better than the Capture One tool?
  • Wolfgang Stoiber
    Mar 19, 2024

    I was also very hopeful when the pano and HDR merging features were introduced, what two years ago?. But it became soon clear that this was just a beta release. Looks good at first glance but when you zoom in it shows bad artifacts.

    Sadly it seams to me they both are still in this "beta" state and were never improved...

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