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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

HDR support

What problem do you see this solving?

Currently Capture One cannot edit or export HDR images. I am not talking about merging several exposures into one - I am talking about making use of the dynamic range that is already on most of the RAW files that goes far beyond what older screens can display. But for many years we now have plenty of hardware out there (e.g iPhones since iPhone 11 pro max, Macbook Pro since many years with the XDR display, etc...) that can handle it and the difference between SDR and HDR on those screens is insane.

SDR images - this means every singlephoto we are currently editing in Capture One - look washed out with poor contrast and so much details are simply lost in clouds, sky, water, etc so all our brighter areas.

This feature might sound banal to those who haven't seen it yet but once you've seen it with your own eyes you won't find any joy in editing SDR anymore.

The only downside is that it cannot be used for printing (at least magazines etc... there are already backlight canvas out there)

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every single day for years now. Adobe (Lightroom and Photoshop) have implemented it now for quite a while (dedicated HDR button to toggle) and also "small developers" like Photomator have it implemented. Even Apples simple Photo app can handle HDR very well.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

The only workaround these days is: Stay clear of Capture One and use other software that is capable of this revolutionary feature.

  • Mike Escoffery
    Oct 22, 2024

    I didn't realize how much I wanted this feature until I just upgraded my phone. I was on an XS Max, and just got the 16 Pro Max, and was immediately like "Why are all my iPhone photos so much brighter than my Mirrorless Photos?"

    Now I just can't unsee how Dull my exports from capture one look next to the HDR photos my phone takes. Either way it's going to be annoying to re-export images for my phone to take advantage of the extra brightness.


    In my tests I've compared editing a RAW file in Lightroom side-by-side with the same image in CO. I still like the overall tones and colours coming from capture one, but when I click that HDR button in lightroom there is no comparison.

    I thought It would be best to just export my CO edits to Photoshop in 32-bit, and then use Photoshop to add the HDR layer. However I was super dissapointed to find out CO can't even export to 32-bits. Appears like for now the only way to take advantage of the full Dynamic Range of a RAW file for and HDR image, is to use Lightroom from the beginning.

    Please at least allow 32-bit exports from CO.

  • Mike A
    Jul 27, 2024

    Lack of HDR display support for HDR content (in stills) in C1 is utterly puzzling. The HDR display support is very important to me and I am very strongly compelled to use a software that supports it.

    Ironically, MOV/ProRes actually play in HDR in C1 but not the DNG/ProRAW shot on iPhone.

  • Brian Jordan
    Dec 27, 2023

    This is a community forum. No one here can help you. Open a support case.
    Also, never buy software hoping a feature will be added.

  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2023

    Letter to Capture One:


    I'm requesting a refund from my most recent Capture One renewal.  I have posted details on the forum, but suffice it to say that I renewed on the assumption that HDR support would have been added during a travel induced hiatus from laptop/desktop editing.  I have today learned that HDR support is still lacking and still not even being discussed with users.

    In addition to a Fuji GFX 100S, Fuji X-HS2, and a Canon R5 (which of course allow RAW->HDR editing via HDR capable software made by others), I am now using a Nikon Zf that can tonemap HLG into a 10 bit HEIF.  As this image file is far superior in dynamic range, and HLG viewing is supported by any decent device of the last 3-4 years, I consider that Capture One's lack of HDR editing support on my Macbook Pro's XDR screens  and QD-OLED desktop monitors to make the use of Capture One difficult to impossible.  Simply put, using Capture One on HDR supporting hardware like the Macbook Pro does not allow me to see how these images will appear on $500 smartphones and tablets, or 4k/8k HDR displays and TVs.

    Capture One is a weak link in the HDR chain:  Literally every other software and hardware part of the imaging tool chain supports HDR, other than Capture One.  Did I mention that this HDR support is included with free Photo apps on smartphones of 4 years ago?

    Capture One is not professional level software anymore, at least not to the technologically savvy photographer (or any 10+ year old smartphone user).

    Wake up Capture One!  And until then, could you please give me my $ back?



  • Guest
    Dec 27, 2023

    Basically, Capture One says:  Want HDR image editing?  Use your 4 year old smartphone and the free Photo app.

    This lack of HDR support by Capture One has been discussed in online forums by many others EXCEPT Capture One staff; and the opaque 'bottom of article' reference aside, it's a lack of communication to the point of being insulting to any technologically savvy photographer.  

    Even if Capture One is pulling in the $ on subscription inertia, at what point does professional pride or survival instinct compel Capture One to catch up to Apple Photo functionality of 4 years ago?  I mean, even Slow Adobe did this close to 2 years ago!

    What a botched development and execution by Capture One!

    As I can't fire individual Capture One product managers and/or software programmers, it seems I'm left no option other than to just fire myself out the door.  This was a great software to use 2+ years ago, but now Capture One 'management' is resting on their laurels, ignoring technological advancements, and thus ignoring ALL of their customers.  

    I'm moving on from Capture One.  My only regret is giving them $200 a couple months ago without first checking up on HDR support after taking a year break from RAW image editing on the desktop/laptop (I've been editing on my iPhone).  I naively thought that Capture One would have certainly added HDR processing during my hiatus. Hah! Joke's on me and Capture One is laughing all the way to the bank!

    Well, enough of that.

  • Grant Perkins
    Dec 17, 2023


    You should always use the software tools with which you feel most comfortable so long as they provide you with the facilities you feel that you need.

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 17, 2023

    Capture One has mentioned HDR display support in this media article.

    The article is referenced at the bottom of this page.


    New color technology from Capture One, AAU and DTU to cut online shopping returns

    COPENHAGEN, 18.04.2023: A new color technology project from Capture One and partners aims to reduce the number of unnecessary returns of items bought online by making the colors in videos and images on online product pages more accurate.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Dec 17, 2023

    For years Capture One hasn't made a statement about that - at least nothing official that people can find. The support merely says that "it isn't on the roadmap as of this point" which means it is faaaar into the future.

    I know that camera manufacturers always sell the 3-4 megapixel more on the newer model, a faster autofocus or another tracking mode as "the total game changer" but we all know this is just marketing-crap.

    There are actual game changers like RAW photography, mirrorless instead of with mirror etc....and looking into the future it is fair to say that HDR simply is one of them. How you expose your shots when using HDR knowing that your sky (or other highlights) simply won't be blown out and even make your photo stand out truly changes the way one captures and also edits the photos.

    Having Capture One as a major player simply ignoring that is quite surprising. I am not saying that they do not listen to what people want but they mainly focus on the top photographers and I cannot see that they care about all the "normal" enthusiast and hobby users. In the end those are the majority of users which makes them the majority of the income.

    I purchased a Capture One Version in the past and was waiting for the black friday deals this year and I am so happy I didn't spend any money on Capture One. I went for Pixelmator and I am very happy and absolutely impressed on how capable and well thought-through this software is. Layers are so much more powerful than in C1, it is very close to Photoshop actually.

    Photography is not my main income but as a full time traveller I do earn some money with photography (sold photos to magazines and national geographic). So I've done quite a bit of editing and also have to pixel-peep in some cases when it comes to the output quality and Pixelmator in some areas is actually ahead of Lightroom and Capture One. It also is behind in some other areas. 

    So having a software that can compete + has a full support for HDR editing and export where one can purchase the full version for only 25$ (which is a bit more than a monthly payment for C1 and LR) is certainly impressive.

  • FirstName LastName
    Dec 11, 2023

    Yes, so far it is only the Mac version of Adobe products that support HDR rendering on HDR-capable screens.

    For what is worth, I fully support this thread. While this is somewhat unclear how this technology will evolve - and we can safely assume that "HDR printing" won't happen - HDR rendering on capable screens is something to witness and then it can't be forgotten. It surely opens new options. This is particularly true as cameras have now intensity dynamic ranges larger than that of SDR monitors.

    It would be very nice to hear about Capture One position on this technology.

  • Grant Perkins
    Dec 2, 2023

    Is this still a Mac specific sort of feature?

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Dec 2, 2023

    Video editors, like Davinci Resolve, now support 10 bit color with 1000 nits monitors. Capture One has earned an (dis)honorable mention at as just about the only major photo processing tool that has no HDR support. It's weird that videos, with so much less color depth, have such a great HDR support while photos do not. 

  • +11

True HDR supports

The current state of HDR is totally gimmik by merging 2 or more bracketed images while iPhone is using AI + software to create a true HDR instead of SDR and you know what I'm talking about if you ever shot photos and videos with iPhone. It's not j...
Benjamin Kim about 2 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Future consideration